I tried to compile the codeblocks from source code. I works.
But after I launched the codeblocks.exe (with 14 plugins activated by default), and then close it, click the OK in popup window "save the 'default' Layout?". The application crashed.
And there is no default.conf which should be generated in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\CodeBlocks\.
When I removed the compiler.dll and debugger.dll from the folder: \output31_64\share\CodeBlocks\plugins\, it works fine (no crash). the default.conf will be generated after I close the application.
I tried very hard to debug it from the IDE, but can not capture any debug point or any info...
Anybody can give me some suggestion regarding this issue...?
Here is my environment:
1. Win10 x64
2. TDM-GCC64 (9.2.0)
3. wxWidgets3.1.3
mingw32-make -j4 SHELL=cmd.exe -f makefile.gcc SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=1 BUILD=release VENDOR=cb
4. Codeblocks sourcecode:
https://github.com/obfuscated/codeblocks_sf/tree/release-20.035. IDE: codeblocks-17.12-nosetup
5.1 open the project: src\CodeBlocks_wx31_64.cbp
5.2 Build All
5.3 copy wxmsw313u_gcc_cb.dll to src\devel31_64
5.3 run src\update31_64.bat, and then get the src\output31_64 finally.