Author Topic: C::B 17:12 Intellisense/CodeCompletion popup location Setting  (Read 2554 times)

Offline dcbdbis

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C::B 17:12 Intellisense/CodeCompletion popup location Setting
« on: August 06, 2019, 02:15:09 am »
Good Evening,

In my move to C::B, things are smoothing out. I'm getting used to where things are and how they operate, etc.

In using intellisense/CodeCompletion...when typing in a class name the popup then shows me the available member function, variables, and other class internals as it should.

To clarify, as I type in "SomeClass->" ((then the popup show up with the options))

When my mouse cursor is near the bottom of the screen working on a new member function, some options are displayed, but others have scrolled offscreen and I can't see them.

The workaround is for me to put a bunch of white space below the function I'm working on - to force my work to be more center screen.

I'm looked at the environment settings and the editor settings....I don't see an option to have this informative popup show up center-screen - or some other setting to keep all of it's contents on the screen.

Am I missing something? Is there a setting for this? It's certainly not an issue - rather it would be purely convenience.

If not - I'll just keep doing what I'm doing at present.



Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: C::B 17:12 Intellisense/CodeCompletion popup location Setting
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2019, 10:45:49 am »
Can you try a nightly build? There were a lot improvements about placing the cc window after the 17:12 release

Offline dcbdbis

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Re: C::B 17:12 Intellisense/CodeCompletion popup location Setting
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2019, 06:49:35 pm »
Yes I will give the nightly a shot

I'll need to do it in a VM. I don't want to cause issues on my main development platform.

It'll be this evening before I can try it. I'll put in a KVM VM and give it a shot....

Thank you for the reply!


<edit> Do you have a platform preference? I am on Arch Linux, but can just as easy put it in a Windows VM if you prefer.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 06:52:49 pm by dcbdbis »

Offline dcbdbis

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Re: C::B 17:12 Intellisense/CodeCompletion popup location Setting
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2019, 03:02:39 am »
The nightlies seem to be Windows centric. I am not on Windows. I am on Arch Linux. Windows became too problematic for me with their forced updates and horrible quality control - and I moved my family and my two clients to Linux both on the server and on the desktop.

I am really soured on Windows. Their file delete bug hit my wife and deleted 20 years of documents, and all of her University work (she's a teacher). Thank God I had just backed her up the night before.  I used a Linux USB stick and recovered everything - except the folder structure. That was the end of Windows in our house.

I'll just keep adding white-space to the bottom of my code for now....I'm not putting windows back on my system for the foreseeable future.

Thanks for the info though...
