Author Topic: Compiling Code::Blocks: ./bootstrap command errors.  (Read 20950 times)

Offline Krice

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Re: Compiling Code::Blocks: ./bootstrap command errors.
« Reply #30 on: August 20, 2019, 08:45:43 am »
And patches help even more...

I don't even know how you would go on from compiling to developing Code::Blocks, because there is no information about how to use the source code. For example loading src/src/, I guess the main part of source code to Visual Studio Code is already annoying, because the physical structure is not reflected in the source code, so header files are mostly not there for VS Code to find. It's all makefile magic to put pieces together. And on top of that for some reason .o files are made in the same directory. I think you should "flatten" the source code as much as possible, in other words try to put source files in the same directory and .o files to their own directory for sure. I have flattened all my projects and one of them has 250+ source files in the same directory which is not a problem, because in IDE you can structure it with virtual folders anyway. It would be great if you could load the project in let's say XCode and work from IDE.

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Compiling Code::Blocks: ./bootstrap command errors.
« Reply #31 on: August 20, 2019, 08:52:01 am »
I do not understand your last comment. What has Visual Studio Code or XCode to do with codeblocks?
If you have a running codeblocks installation, you can load the codeblocks project easily in codeblocks and develop with it (open the cbp files or workspace files for unix). then the o files will be generated in the .obj folder ecc... The make path is only needed for get going, after that you can use codeblocks to develop codeblocks...

Offline Krice

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Re: Compiling Code::Blocks: ./bootstrap command errors.
« Reply #32 on: August 20, 2019, 04:06:39 pm »
you can load the codeblocks project easily in codeblocks

I think there is something wrong with the build, because I can't load a project. There is a error dialog telling I don't have a compiler plugin installed. Also, when I go to "settings - compiler" menu there is only batch build tab. That's not right? And last but not least all plugins are missing from the plugin list. I wonder is the codeblocks in usr/local/bin the right one, because I think there was another under the trunk. I really wish there was another person with a Mac to try this and tell if I'm just doing something wrong.

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Compiling Code::Blocks: ./bootstrap command errors.
« Reply #33 on: August 20, 2019, 04:13:54 pm »
Maybe Xaviou can help you?
Isn't mac the same as OS X ?,23428.msg159512.html#msg159512

Offline Krice

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Re: Compiling Code::Blocks: ./bootstrap command errors.
« Reply #34 on: August 31, 2019, 11:31:01 am »
Just a small update. I removed everything related to programming from my Mac Mini that I could. It's 2012 Mini and has a traditional hard drive which I think has started to break, even it doesn't show anything in "first aid" of disk utility. It's just extremely slow, everything is slow, even clicking a menu makes the notorious beachball roll. I'm probably going to get a new computer (Windows 10 PC), because I need a computer for my music studio. Not only programming is hard in osx, but also everything else is just so annoying like stupid background tasks you can't even turn off. They are mostly Apple's own tasks like Photos which for whatever reason is searching the HD for videos and making a library of them, like all the time. It's always on and taking cpu time. Apple is trying really hard to ruin Mac and they will succeed if they don't clean it up.