Author Topic: Newbie needing help with flags  (Read 8052 times)

Offline art-ganseforth

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Newbie needing help with flags
« on: January 27, 2019, 11:45:34 am »
Hello everyone,

i think i have to ask here after searching a solution for two days now and after posting my problem in two other forums...

I try to migrate my project from devC++ to Code::Blocks (which i installed first time). But i'm not common with all this compiler-settings (always used presets, triel and error etc.). So a part of my problem might be more basic then a specific Code::Blocks-question.

Enviornment: Win10 (64bit) notebook, Code::Blocks 17.12 (portable), MingW32, wxWidgets 3.1.2, several openGL-libraries

I have two projects (one of them is just for testing). Both use the same libraries and (as far as i can see) the same compiler- & linker-settings. In fact i used no project- & file-specific setting. For the moment everything is set in the global compiler-settings-page. The problem is that one of the programs is compiled to a single exe-file but the other one to a dll-based exe and i've now idea why.

Maybe someone can give me a hint, where and how this is specified.


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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2019, 12:06:57 pm »
I am guessing you need to look under project properties.

Project -> Properties
Tab: Build Targets
Pull down menu set to correct value: Type

Tim S.

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Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2019, 01:02:13 pm »
For both projects, this ist set to "GUI application".

By the way: here are the .cbp-files...

Test-project (producing monolithic exe):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
<Option title="test" />
<Option pch_mode="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Target title="Release">
<Option output="bin/Release_x86/test" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option object_output="obj/Release_x86/" />
<Option type="0" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option projectCompilerOptionsRelation="0" />
<Option projectLinkerOptionsRelation="0" />
<Add option="-fomit-frame-pointer" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-D__WXMSW__" />
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
<Add option="-D_UNICODE" />
<Add directory="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll/mswu" />
<Add directory="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/include" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add library="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll/libwxmsw31u_core.a" />
<Add library="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll/libwxbase31u.a" />
<Add directory="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll" />
<Unit filename="../../../Libraries/glew-2.1.0/src/glew.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
<Unit filename="main.cpp" />
<code_completion />
<envvars />
<debugger />

Real project (producing dll-exe):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
<Option title="glLive3d" />
<Option pch_mode="2" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Target title="Release">
<Option output="glLive3d/glLive3d" prefix_auto="1" extension_auto="1" />
<Option type="0" />
<Option compiler="gcc" />
<Option projectCompilerOptionsRelation="0" />
<Option projectLinkerOptionsRelation="0" />
<Add option="-fomit-frame-pointer" />
<Add option="-O3" />
<Add option="-D__WXMSW__" />
<Add option="-D__GNUWIN32__" />
<Add option="-D_UNICODE" />
<Add directory="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll/mswu" />
<Add directory="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/include" />
<Add option="-s" />
<Add library="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll/libwxmsw31u_core.a" />
<Add library="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll/libwxbase31u.a" />
<Add directory="../../../wxWidgets-3.1.2/lib/gcc730_dll" />
<Unit filename="../../Libraries/glew-2.1.0/src/glew.c">
<Option compilerVar="CC" />
<Unit filename="_Controls.cpp" />
<Unit filename="_Controls.h" />
<Unit filename="_Fnc3d.cpp" />
<Unit filename="_Fnc3d.h" />
<Unit filename="_Macros.cpp" />
<Unit filename="_Macros.h" />
<Unit filename="_Main.cpp" />
<Unit filename="_Main.h" />
<Unit filename="_Midi.cpp" />
<Unit filename="_Midi.h" />
<Unit filename="_Modules.cpp" />
<Unit filename="_Modules.h" />
<Unit filename="clsMainWin.cpp" />
<Unit filename="clsMainWin.h" />
<code_completion />
<envvars />
<debugger />

And here are the linker-call as reported while colpiliation (some flags are set for testing):

Test-project (producing monolithic exe):
g++.exe -L..\..\..\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\CodeBlocks\mingw32\mingw\lib -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Libraries\glfw-3.2.1.bin.WIN32\lib-mingw-w64 -o bin\Release_x86\test.exe obj\Release_x86\Libraries\glew-2.1.0\src\glew.o "obj\Release_x86\Projects\19-01-26 - test-ogl\test\main.o"  -s -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -m32 -mwindows -lwxbase31u -lwxbase31u_net -lwxmsw31u_core -lwxmsw31u_gl -lwxmsw31u_webview -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -flinker-output=exec -no-pie  F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxbase31u.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxbase31u_net.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxmsw31u_core.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxmsw31u_gl.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxmsw31u_webview.a -mwindows

Real project (producing dll-exe):
g++.exe -L..\..\..\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\CodeBlocks\mingw32\mingw\lib -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Libraries\glfw-3.2.1.bin.WIN32\lib-mingw-w64 -o glLive3d\glLive3d.exe .objs\Libraries\glew-2.1.0\src\glew.o ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Controls.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Fnc3d.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Macros.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Main.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Midi.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Modules.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\clsMainWin.o"  -s -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -m32 -mwindows -lwxbase31u -lwxbase31u_net -lwxmsw31u_core -lwxmsw31u_gl -lwxmsw31u_webview -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -flinker-output=exec -no-pie  F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxbase31u.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxbase31u_net.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxmsw31u_core.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxmsw31u_gl.a F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll\libwxmsw31u_webview.a -mwindows

Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2019, 01:17:50 pm »
Sorry, this are the correct linker-call as reported while colpiliation (the others contined redundant duplicate librarie-links):

g++.exe -L..\..\..\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\CodeBlocks\mingw32\mingw\lib -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Libraries\glfw-3.2.1.bin.WIN32\lib-mingw-w64 -o bin\Release_x86\test.exe obj\Release_x86\Libraries\glew-2.1.0\src\glew.o "obj\Release_x86\Projects\19-01-26 - test-ogl\test\main.o"  -s -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -m32 -mwindows -lwxbase31u -lwxbase31u_net -lwxmsw31u_core -lwxmsw31u_gl -lwxmsw31u_webview -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -flinker-output=exec -no-pie   -mwindows

g++.exe -L..\..\..\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\CodeBlocks\mingw32\mingw\lib -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\wxWidgets-3.1.2\lib\gcc730_dll -LF:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Libraries\glfw-3.2.1.bin.WIN32\lib-mingw-w64 -o glLive3d\glLive3d.exe .objs\Libraries\glew-2.1.0\src\glew.o ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Controls.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Fnc3d.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Macros.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Main.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Midi.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\_Modules.o" ".objs\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\clsMainWin.o"  -s -static-libstdc++ -static-libgcc -static -m32 -mwindows -lwxbase31u -lwxbase31u_net -lwxmsw31u_core -lwxmsw31u_gl -lwxmsw31u_webview -lglut32 -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lwinmm -lgdi32 -flinker-output=exec -no-pie   -mwindows

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2019, 03:01:18 pm »
Are you sure the first produces a monolithic exe?
I am not sure but aren't the static linked wxWidgets libraries in gcc_lib folder and not gcc_dll ? (i am compiling wxWidgets for static libraries right now...)
So if you link against the gcc_lib folder you will get a static linked program, and if you link against gcc_dll you will get a dynamic linked program....

Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2019, 03:22:21 pm »
Puh, okay....

It's like this (and i don't undestand this...): After reading your post, i looked in the Release-folder. There were three subfolders ininside. One was empty, and two contained an exe-file. After deleting all the subfolders, recompiling and pressing the start-button, also dll-requests appeared.

What i'm not kowing now is:
- Why C::B comiled into one folder and started the program outof the other one.
- Where the static exe came from (this i can maybe find in a backup but it'll take some time).
- And most important: How to get a exe that is not needing dlls

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2019, 05:46:01 pm »
- Why C::B comiled into one folder and started the program outof the other one.
It did not... It creates and starts the file selected in Project->Properties->Build tragets->Output file name

- Where the static exe came from (this i can maybe find in a backup but it'll take some time).
No idea... it is your pc... Codeblocks did not created it

- And most important: How to get a exe that is not needing dlls
As i told you in my previous post: compile wxWidgets with the flag SHARED=0. Then you will have a folder wxWidgets/lib/gcc_lib
You point the search path of the library of your porject to this folder and you get a static executable... simply as that...

[edit:] and for this do not use absolute paths in your library settings. Use there only the library name and use the Search path->linker setting to point where the file can be found

« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 05:47:44 pm by BlueHazzard »

Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2019, 05:56:01 pm »
Uptate concerning where the static exe came from and onre more question:

In the beginning i had the following problem: When i started C::B it always automaticly serched for a compiler and took the first one it found. This was my old MingW-setup with devC++. To avoid this, i've ziped the old MingW. So it can't be found anymore. But this is no real solution. Is there a possibility to stop this auto-search?

This way (compiled with the devC++ setup), it seems that the C::B had created the non-dll-exe, that had been execoted all the time, when i pressed the start-button.

Concerning your anwer: this i'll read now...

Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2019, 06:27:36 pm »
EDITED: "change-date: 17.1.19 - 17:59" => "change-date: 27.1.19 - 17:59"

It did not... It creates and starts the file selected in Project->Properties->Build tragets->Output file name

It seems to get more and more strange....

I just restored the deleted subfolders in the Release-folder, rebuilt the program and pressed the C::B-start-button.

Result: Program started without requesting dlls.

But in the subfolders i find two files "test.exe":
  • change-date: 25.1.19 - 12:24
  • change-date: 27.1.19 - 17:59 (so, the new one)

Starting both with double-click, leads to dll-requests.

This was so strange, that i removed all the folders agan. Pressing the C::B-start-button then, leaded (as expected) to the request, if the program should be recompiled.

After compilation, the program started without requesting dlls.
Inside of the Release-folder (the same as reported by the comiling-process) i found a new created subfolder, containig one test.exe.(time 18:19h - so just created). Double-clicking this, again leads to dll-requests.

 :'( :'(
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 06:44:09 pm by art-ganseforth »

Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2019, 06:37:35 pm »
compile wxWidgets with the flag SHARED=0

Sorry, i know that i'm stupid in this point, but i din't know how to / where to set this flag. I did not compile wxWidgets, nither with SHARED=1 nor with SHARED=0. But .a-files are there.

Maybe i should compile it, but i dont really konw how. (Tried to compile freeglut with cmake, but had no success). But anyway i'm wondering why the C::B-start-button sometimes starts the program without dll-requests.

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2019, 07:05:49 pm »
If you start your program from within codeblocks, codeblocks adds all library paths to the "PATH" environment variable, so your executable can find them. This does not mean they are linked statically. Codeblocks only makes sure your application can find the dll files.
If you run the application outside of codeblocks the PATH variable is not modified and so your application can not find the library and will report an error.

To compile wxWidgets from source as a static library:
1)  download the MSW source from wxWidgets and extract it
2) Make sure your mingw compiler is in the PATH variable: open a cmd window and type
gcc -v
this should not report an error
3) With the command prompt cd to the wxWidgetsSourceCode/build/msw folder
4) run
mignw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc BUILD=debug SHARED=0 MONOLITHIC=1
mignw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=0 MONOLITHIC=1

But why do you need static executables? Copy the dll in the same folder as your exe and ship them together...

When i started C::B it always automaticly serched for a compiler and took the first one it found. This was my old MingW-setup with devC++. To avoid this, i've ziped the old MingW. So it can't be found anymore. But this is no real solution. Is there a possibility to stop this auto-search?
you probably have to set one default compiler with the default button... And make sure codeblocks can write the configuration fle: Are other settings saved?

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2019, 07:26:39 pm »
FYI: Building a static monolithic wxWidgets library is not normal so it is more likely to have build issues.
And, monolithic builds often has issues because of too long of a command line length or out of memory on linking errors.

Tim S.
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Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2019, 08:44:11 pm »
At first: Thank you for offering time !!

If you start your program from within codeblocks, codeblocks adds all library paths to the "PATH" environment variable, so your executable can find them.
Shouldn't this work with both programs and not only for the test-program?

To compile wxWidgets from source as a static library:
I suck at the second step: "Make sure your mingw compiler is in the PATH variable". Where i can find the PATH variable and how the compiler should be "in" it (conderning this last point i have an idea which will maybe be anwered if i see the PATH variable).

But why do you need static executables? Copy the dll in the same folder as your exe and ship them together...
I tried this. There were 4 wxWidgets-dll-requestes, then the program ended. So i collected the dlls and started the program again. Now there appered around 7-8 further requests for various openGL and system-dlls. At this point i realized, that my program probably needs lots more of dlls - next to lots of configuration-files, ogenGL-shaders, texture-images etc. So, it's already a bit messy and dlls won't make it better :/
...but it's also maybe just a preference - and that i would like to understand it.

you probably have to set one default compiler with the default button... And make sure codeblocks can write the configuration fle: Are other settings saved?
Yes i have set a default compiler. It is in the C::B-folder on volume F:/.
Concerning the C::B-settings i'm also a bit confused. I use a portable version and i had several problems with different 'appearences' of C::B, depending on how i start ist. Only using CbLauncher.exe works. In other cases no compiler is found or i have problems with the UI-size on my UHD-display.
I looked a whilw for different config-files but i did not find.

FYI: Building a static monolithic wxWidgets library is not normal so it is more likely to have build issues.
And, monolithic builds often has issues because of too long of a command line length or out of memory on linking errors.
I'll think about this, but in the end my program is not sooo huge. The last monolithic exe compiled with devC++ needs (containing symbols) ~11.000k; the other one (without symbols) ~1.900k. The program needs 14 source-files (7x .c and 7x .h).

I would be happy to know more about this: "Make sure your mingw compiler is in the PATH variable"...

« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 08:49:37 pm by art-ganseforth »

Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2019, 12:24:16 am »
I would be happy to know more about this: "Make sure your mingw compiler is in the PATH variable"... (google 1 sek)

Shouldn't this work with both programs and not only for the test-program?
I am confused... Didn't you say that both programs behave the same now, after you cleaned up everything? If you run them trough codeblocks both work and if you run them from explorer they do not work? If this is not so, please describe again step by step what does not work... The post is already to long to re read everything...
For example:
1) Compiler Prog1 with project file with Build->Build
2) Run Prog1 with build->run
3) Get error message
Error message jadajada
4) Expected: Run without error message

1) Compiler Prog2 with project file with Build->Build
2) Run Prog2 with build->run
3) All works fine
4) Expected: Run without error message like for Prog1

ecc... Short sentences, broken up in a numbered list is the best format for me

Yes i have set a default compiler. It is in the C::B-folder on volume F:/.
Concerning the C::B-settings i'm also a bit confused. I use a portable version and i had several problems with different 'appearences' of C::B, depending on how i start ist. Only using CbLauncher.exe works. In other cases no compiler is found or i have problems with the UI-size on my UHD-display.
I looked a whilw for different config-files but i did not find.
I do not know where you got the portable codeblocks version, but codeblocks does not really support portable installation as far as i can tell.. The configuration file is normally stored in %UserDir%/AppData/Roaming/Codeblocks i do not know how your portable handles this...

So i collected the dlls and started the program again. Now there appered around 7-8 further requests for various openGL and system-dlls.
Normally you use dependencywalker to solve this problems:

I'll think about this, but in the end my program is not sooo huge. The last monolithic exe compiled with devC++ needs (containing symbols) ~11.000k; the other one (without symbols) ~1.900k. The program needs 14 source-files (7x .c and 7x .h)
stahta01 was talking about compiling wxWidgets. And i support his statement. I had many problems in the past with this. I tried it today with gcc_8.XX and it worked ok, but if the shit hits the fan and you get errors, you will not want to be the one who cleans it up...

Offline art-ganseforth

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Re: Newbie needing help with flags
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2019, 12:58:04 am »
I would be happy to know more about this: "Make sure your mingw compiler is in the PATH variable"...
Just foud out what you ment. Found your post when i wanted to give an update. My head had been at the compiler-settings. So i did not think of system parameter.
Think i understood the principal (long time ago that i used console).

I am confused... Didn't you say that both programs behave the same now, after you cleaned up everything?
I thought i've said that i deleted the folders and recompiled again. Since i did this, both programs behave different again, when i start with C::B-start-button.
I'm also confused (just tried it once more), but ist true...

For example:
1) Compiler Prog1 with project file with Build->Build
Yes. Just tried it once more. Ist true...

C::B-Protocol test-program (last line of compilation and program-start)
Output file is bin\Release_x86\test.exe with size 1,05 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 6 second(s))
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 6 second(s))

-------------- Run: Release in test (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------

Checking for existence: F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Projects\19-01-26 - test-ogl\test\bin\Release_x86\test.exe
Executing: "F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Projects\19-01-26 - test-ogl\test\bin\Release_x86\test.exe"  (in F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Projects\19-01-26 - test-ogl\test\.)
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))

And the other one (error in the last line):
Output file is glLive3d\glLive3d.exe with size 1,85 MB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minute(s), 18 second(s))
0 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 18 second(s))

-------------- Run: Release in glLive3d (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------

Checking for existence: F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\glLive3d\glLive3d.exe
Executing: "F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\glLive3d\glLive3d.exe"  (in F:\codeblocks-17.12-nosetup\Projects\19-01-24 - ThreadTest\.)
Process terminated with status -1073741515 (0 minute(s), 3 second(s))

Both were compiled in the same C::B-workspace without closing C::B in between.

I do not know where you got the portable codeblocks version
Inside the unpacked archieve is a local UserData-folder. Maybe the C::B-nosetup version is configured to use this one instaed of the common one. For me it seem like this, because after duplicating the whole folder, i was abel to save and restore different settings for both.