An other thing is that GridBagSizer is not working, which seems to be wxWidget bug
i doubt that... Can you describe more? I still don't know what wxWidgets version you are using
Sorry, my wxWidget version is 3.0.2, which was the latest stable version at least about a month ago.
The problem with GridBagSizer only apear when using additional custom panel. So I am starting a new wxSmith framebased project and adding a new panel to the project, then adding a GridBagSizer with some widgets to that panel:

In prewiv window it worcks fine:

but when compiling geting an error mesage:

Here all error mesages:
||=== Build: Release in test (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
NewPanel.h|24|error: 'wxGridBagSizer' does not name a type|
NewPanel.cpp||In constructor 'NewPanel::NewPanel(wxWindow*, wxWindowID, const wxPoint&, const wxSize&)':|
NewPanel.cpp|29|error: 'GridBagSizer1' was not declared in this scope|
NewPanel.cpp|29|error: expected type-specifier before 'wxGridBagSizer'|
NewPanel.cpp|31|error: 'wxGBPosition' was not declared in this scope|
NewPanel.cpp|31|error: 'wxDefaultSpan' was not declared in this scope|
||=== Build failed: 5 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|
It looks like mising include, but it´s not the case:

Without the panel, just using the frame there is no problem: