I've been having lots of trouble with my laptop being slow. I use it at work all day and it's been hindering my performance there.

I was going to buy a nice new
Athlon 64 FX60 with a 17" monitor, but I decided to see what I could do to mine for cheaper. It's a P4 3.0 with HT, 800MHZ FSB, dual DDR, 7200rpm 60gb hard drive, the works. It's a couple years old, but it
should be fast enough for me to work with.
I noticed I was constantly running out of memory. 512mb is not enough for development. AT ALL. So I started by ordering 2gb Corsair PC3200 DDR for it. That's my only expense in what I did. $250 is so much cheaper than a $3500 laptop!
I defragmented my hard drive. I didn't realize my scheduled task for that was disabled (now fixed). I had 120,000+ excess fragments!
Delete unused files. I was down to under 1gb free space.

With the help of
Treesize (freeware version) I was able to rapidly free up 10GB extra drive space. I highly recommend this easy to use piece of freeware.
In one sitting I have a whole new machine (functionality wise).
Lesson to be learned: (fairly) simple maintainance of your computer pays off in the long run, and keeps you from having to spend money on tons of new hardware just to keep things usable. :cool: