Author Topic: Building Code::Blocks w/ wxWidgets 3.1.1 and MINGW-W64 over Windows 10  (Read 6479 times)

Offline PaliPalo

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Not knowing where is the best place to post it, I did it here. (I know that partially concerns wxWidgets but I did not receive my wxWidgets account validation mail yet; so I post it here too)

The dev env I used:

1) MingW-W64 4.3.0 with gcc 6.3.0 and make 4.1
2) Code::Blocks version 16.01 from SVN repository (svn checkout codeblocks-code)
3) wxWidgets 3.1.1 is the master branch of the git repo (git clone

wxWidgets was compiled with BUILD=debug and SHARED=1, NO monolithic. (then customized *31_64.cbp files for Code::Blocks + some other tuning to match my wxWidgets build)

First trouble occurs when I update the Code::Blocks repository from SVN. It seems that FortranProject has been updated. Indeed, parserf.cpp no more compiles correctlly; it complains that wxRE_ADVANCED, wxRE_ICASE and wxRE_NOSUB are not declared. To correct this I added #include <wx/regex.h>

Then, wxWidgets and Code::Blocks compiled correctly. But, when starting it, it fails after load. I can see the workspace but the application does not respond a while. After a moment, it crashes. After some attempts, I finally get it running by disabling the splashscreen with the adequate command line option.

Why does the app stopped working with the splashscreen ? I made some debug sessions to investigate. It results that MySpellingDialog.cpp use a wxTextCtrl with wxTE_RICH2 attributes. By removing this wxTE_RICH2, Code::Blocks does not hang anymore. OK, but that option is merely needed... I guess... So I reset it and look where the application received a SIGSEGV. To be brief, it seems that wxWidgets missed to test the fact that the wxTextCtrl is a rich edit with drag and drop enable when a non owned window is destroyed. Indeed I think the base class of wxTextCtrl is used (i.e. wxWindow) for the object dtor.

To palliate this problem, I modified src/msw/textctrl.cpp in wxWidgets by first defining the wxRICHTEXT_DEFAULT_DROPTARGET like this:


// dummy value used for m_dropTarget, different from any valid pointer value
// (which are all even under Windows) and NULL
static wxDropTarget *
    wxRICHTEXT_DEFAULT_DROPTARGET = reinterpret_cast<wxDropTarget *>(1);


and secondly update the wxWindowMSW::HandleDestroy to take this richedit fact like this

bool wxWindowMSW::HandleDestroy()
    // delete our drop target if we've got one
    if ( m_dropTarget != NULL

#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP

    // WM_DESTROY handled
    return true;

I do not know really know if this is the correct way but it works... at least for now. As I said: maybe this could help.

For the history, I mainly aim to be able to swap internal softwares from Windows to other OS if we plan to change it in the future. I try then to have a complete set of dev tools which I build and control myself (foolish, you said ? I totally agreed). Then I finally opted to use wxWidgets as GUI library (and wxFormBuilder). So, I wanted to used a cross-platform IDE that is based on wxWidgets too. I then chose Code:Blocks. All of them should run on a 64 bits architecture.

Online stahta01

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Looks like you do NOT need any help.

But, I do wish to warn you that wxWidgets 3.1 is a development build; the newest production build is version 3.0.3.

The next production series will be 3.2 based version that is normally based on the final 3.1 development build.

FYI: The CB Dev Team; seems to like patch files more than code snippets.

Tim S.
C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
On Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
When in doubt, read the CB WiKi FAQ.

Online stahta01

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If you are using the CB wxWidgets wizard to start your wxFormBuilder CB projects. In the past, I tried to update that part of the CB Wizard. If you want, I will try to update that part of the Wizard once more. I really need someone to test the wxFormBuilder section of the CB wxWidgets wizard.

Tim S.
C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
On Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
When in doubt, read the CB WiKi FAQ.

Offline PaliPalo

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Thanks for reply

Indeed, yes, I do not need help here. But one day, I will search help and I would like then to find solution on the web. That's the main reason of my demarche. I have pleasure to help as I can.

The reason why I wrote a code snippet here is that I do not yet have a complete and efficient understanding of the svn and/or git process. In the past year, I handled a private tools for code versionning. And since I change my job 8 years ago, I do not more work in team, so the new tools are really new to me. Plus, I have a risk minded personnality. That means I prefer post the solution immediatly because... hey, what could happen to me tomorrow?

Concerning, your proposal about wizard, I think I may help later. For the moment, I have largely encompassed wxWidgets library but I have not yet a comfortable understanding. My next step is to build customized wxWidgets components that I will plug into wxFormBuilder (indeed, I started this yet). Those will be a wxWidgets implementation of some components that I developped internally inside VisualStudio. I hope I could make them better. So, once I will be sufficiently capable with wxFormBuilder, I could imagine to be of some help with the wizard. I guess that I have to know further about CodeBlocks plugins, etc. But this is not impossible.

Anyway, I think I will have a look at this soon. As I know myself to be hungry about that subject. But I haved to mess with my family life.

Offline Krice

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Sometimes I'm wondering how do developers compile these projects if it's so difficult to even build them in the first place.

Online stahta01

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Sometimes I'm wondering how do developers compile these projects if it's so difficult to even build them in the first place.

Most people build use the directions on the first try, instead of changing things.
This allows them to learn how to build with directions and see the normal warnings or errors.
Then, they can assume the new warnings and errors are because of their change in build methods.

Tim S.
C Programmer working to learn more about C++ and Git.
On Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 64 bit.
When in doubt, read the CB WiKi FAQ.