@stahta01: I think cross compiling is not the question at the moment. Most of the time he can copy the code from windows to the raspberry and compile it there, or use some vm. So don't let us open this box of the pandora at the moment. Maybe we have to do it later. As there are so many issues with wxWidgets lately i can think of trying to fix this build thing here in this forum for one time and then update the wiki. I don't know why all the people have this issues, but we will see...
[EDIT:] didn't saw you answered already...
But i am under the impression that if you would like to make anything visual with buttons and graphs and so on, that code::blocks is simply an IDE to run away from. Am I right? or mistaken?
No, it is quite easy and satisfying to use codeblocks for building gui things. It worked for 10000 other people, i don't know where all this problems lately come from. But lets try to fix this...
We will go through this for windows now
0) Disable your anti virus
1) Where have you downloaded the wxWidgets code?
Please download the code from the wxWidgets site (use a newer version wx3.XXX)
2) You have to build wxWidgets by yourself. There are binary downloads out there, but they won't match your compiler and you need that the library is compiled with the same compiler as your program... This is now a bit tricky because i can't build wxWidgets myself at the moment so i write this guide blind...
2.1) Extract the code im some folder without spaces and other non ascii characters where you have enought free space and write access
2.2) Open the extracted folder and browse to the build/msw subfolder.
2.2.1) Open a CMD there either by holding shift key and right mouse click -> Open command window here or by typing cmd in the "URL control" of the explorer. A black window should open
2.3) Make sure your compiler is in the PATH Environment variable (WARNING: For beginners there should only be ONE COMPILER INSTALLED AT THE SAME TIME on the system)
2.3.1) How can you check if the compiler is in your path? : Type mingw32-make.exe in your CMD window and hit enter. If you get "mingw32-make is an unknown internal or external command" then your compiler is not in the PATH.
2.3.2) Add the compiler path to your PATH:
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9546324/adding-directory-to-path-environment-variable-in-windows#9546345NOTE: You have to find the path to your compiler by yourself. Easy way: search for "mingw32-make.exe"
NOTE: The path to your compiler should not have spaces or non ascii characters
HINT: you can use the TAB key to complete paths in the cmd by typing the first letters of the folder name and then hitting the TAB key
2.3.3) Test again if it worked with point 2.2.1)
2.4) run
mingw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=1 UNICODE=1 CXXFLAGS="-fno-keep-inlline-dllexport -std=gnu++11"
This can take up to 60 minutes or even longer
You can detect if the build was successful if there is no "error" written in the cmd
2.4.1) If this fails run
mingw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=1 UNICODE=1 CXXFLAGS="-fno-keep-inlline-dllexport -std=gnu++11 clean"
2.4.2) And now try
mingw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=0 UNICODE=1 CXXFLAGS="-fno-keep-inlline-dllexport -std=gnu++11"
2.4.3) If this also fails report the error her (there is somewhere "error" written in the cmd. Post the appropriate line after the error
2.5) You can check if the build was successful by checking the files in the
PATH/TO/WX_SOURCE/lib/gcc_dll there should be some files called wxmsw310u_gcc_custom.dll
2.6) Start codeblocks. Create a new wxWidgets project and follow the instructions of the wizard
2.7) Have fun
If you have problems somewhere please describe EXACTLY what you have done before and please post EXACTLY the error messages you get. They are there. There are always error message and 99% of the time they give a hint why something failed...