There are (multiple) project files for every plugin. But there are also Makefiles so codeblocks can be build without codeblocks
If you'll check the plugins directory "C:\zbcqcm\codeblocks_svn_code\code\src\plugins". None of the plugin has .cbp file corresponding to it. Only plugins available here "C:\zbcqcm\codeblocks_svn_code\code\src\plugins\contrib" have the cbp file. Why is it so?
Moreover If I guess that all core plugins are build up by makefile and contrib plugin is build by plugin wizard, Am I right?
Can you answer some of my queries?
- Debuggergdb is a core plugin or contrib plugin? as it doesn't contain any ,cbp file, i guess its a core plugin.
- From contrib plugin, if I open .cbp file and delete makefile, plugin project still execute fine, does it mean if I have .cbp, I don't need makefile?
- I want to start building a project from makefile, can you help me with any documentation?