Author Topic: Debug BreakPoint jumping  (Read 4281 times)

Offline Achromat

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Debug BreakPoint jumping
« on: February 20, 2017, 03:39:25 pm »

i use CodeBlocks on Linux (RaspiPi3 Neon).

when i set an breakpoint, in Code with threadings, the codepointer jump upward and/or downward
by press key F7  unuseable Debugger, unuseable Editor ..  where is now the CodePointer  ?

This dosent work for me.. i Comes from VisualStudio and is it a pain to Work with Codeblocks via
VNC or direct, via VNC Tab Edit Cut Past not work correctly.    omg..  i hate it..

more an feed back as an question no one can help in this case.. 
 best regards from Berlin

i use gcc via console.. now and let out the Debugger.. in old times after 40 years we never have use Debuggers..



Offline BlueHazzard

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Re: Debug BreakPoint jumping
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2017, 04:42:25 pm »
when i set an breakpoint, in Code with threadings, the codepointer jump upward and/or downward
by press key F7  unuseable Debugger, unuseable Editor ..  where is now the CodePointer  ?
I don't understand your problem here.... What do you mean with "CodePointer"? The yellow arrow or the caret?
1) Lets say you set a breakpoint at line 100
2) The debugger stops at this line and codeblocks jumps to this line with the yellow arrow
3) You press F7 (debug next line) and the yellow cursor jumps somewhere else, for example line 99, but the editor follows it?

Then this is expected behavior with possibly the following reasons and none of them has anything to do with codeblocks but with the compiler:
 1) You have enabled code optimizing --> The compiler can rearrange the code if the functionality is the same --> code from line 99 can be called after line 100
 Solution: deactivate optimization in debug builds
 2) You get interrupted by interrupts (no idea if this is your case)
 3) You return from a function and there are calculation for return values or de initialization of variables
 4) ...

If none of the above is true for you, pleas post a minimal example code and the log output of the debugger. You probably have to enable full debugger log output in Settings->Debugger->Common->Full debug log

via VNC Tab Edit Cut Past not work correctly
can you explain more? Probably you are sharing the clipboard? Does it work in other applications?

i use gcc via console
does gdb works via console as you expect?
