Hi to all.
I've just seen the "bundle.sh" file created by Dave Murphy, and validated by oBFusCATed : big thanks to them for this
I've tested (rev 11171, wx-3.0.3), and the bundle has been created successfully, with all the wxWidgets dynamic libs files includes.
Moved the bundle in the Applications list, and ran it.
It has less files than the last one provided by frankofrank, and is very smaller : mine is 33MB and frankofrank's one is 70,5MB (it was rev 10922, wx-3.1.1)
The major problem I had with this first test is that the "New project" wizard is empty (but as I could see, the needed files are present in the app folder).
If one wants to inspect the result, I've made a zip of it and uploaded to
google drive.Regards