Author Topic: Code::Blocks is looking odd. I can't figure out how to get it back to normal.  (Read 4849 times)

Offline jbatw

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Everything was looking fine and normal when I installed it. Then today I went to open it and my first thought was why is everything so big? then by switching "toolbar icon size" from small to normal it started to look a little better. I don't understand how when it was set to small but was too large then setting it normal made it smaller. But there are still some oddities. I've attached a screen shot of how things look. Hopefully someone will see how its looking odd and has an idea of what's going on and how to fix it. Thanks for your time and thanks in advance for any help.

PS -
I already thought maybe something was wrong with my screen resolution but its at max so that's not it. also everything else looks fine except Code::Blocks.

Offline BlueHazzard

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Operating system?

This settings seem to come from the os. Codeblocks does not use any code to change the font (size) of menus

Offline jbatw

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Operating system?

This settings seem to come from the os. Codeblocks does not use any code to change the font (size) of menus

I'm on windows 10. But like I said everything was looking fine until yesterday. The only thing I can think of that I've changed was updating display drivers when I wasn't getting sound through my HDMI output port when I plugged my computer into my 50 inch 4K TV to use as a larger monitor. When I was checking that my monitor resolution wasn't messed up I checked for as many other text options that I could and everything looked normal.

What is really odd to me is how only somethings in the IDE are oddly enlarged while others are normal. Even the text in the editor was large while set to 10pt font. But then after setting the icons to Normal from Small, and also doing a restart the font looks back to normal in the editor.

I know this isn't a Windows Help forum but if you have any ideas of where to look in windows 10 that would fix this let me know and I'll check that out. Then if it works it works and were done but if it doesn't then we can move on to other trouble shooting. I'm still inclined to think it could be a Code::Blocks problem since it's the only program that is affected while all others are fine and that its inconsistent in Code::Blocks where somethings are enlarged and others aren't and after selecting larger icons they actually got smaller while the smaller option made them larger. It's just odd and confusing.

Thanks for your time and your reply and any further help. Have a great day.

Offline BlueHazzard

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I'm on windows 10. But like I said everything was looking fine until yesterday. The only thing I can think of that I've changed was updating display drivers when I wasn't getting sound through my HDMI output port when I plugged my computer into my 50 inch 4K TV to use as a larger monitor. When I was checking that my monitor resolution wasn't messed up I checked for as many other text options that I could and everything looked normal.
This could be a high dpi problem... wxWidgets has his problems with high dpi resolutions... You can try to set a 1080p resolution...

Offline jbatw

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I'm on windows 10. But like I said everything was looking fine until yesterday. The only thing I can think of that I've changed was updating display drivers when I wasn't getting sound through my HDMI output port when I plugged my computer into my 50 inch 4K TV to use as a larger monitor. When I was checking that my monitor resolution wasn't messed up I checked for as many other text options that I could and everything looked normal.
This could be a high dpi problem... wxWidgets has his problems with high dpi resolutions... You can try to set a 1080p resolution...

When I had checked my resolution it was at 1920x1080.

But after spending all afternoon coding in Code::Blocks with the prior mentioned problem (it didn't stop me from coding it just looked odd) I walked away to go get some dinner and watched some Netflix and took the dog out. When I came back to my computer (a laptop) had went to sleep. So I woke it up, logged back in and had to reopen Code::Blocks. When I did everything was back to normal. ???. I have no idea what made it look like it did or what made it go back to normal.

But thanks for your time and attempts to figure this out with me. Have a great day.