Above all, whenever reporting a problem of any kind, you should tell us what version you are referring to, because otherwise, the information is pretty much worthless.
-In general menuitems to be linked to 'somehow standardized' accelerators as:
Save Ctrl+S,
Save As Ctrl A and so on.
Ctrl A is defined as "select all"
everywhere on this planet...
Code::Blocks uses standard key shortcuts as good as we are able to implement it. That does of course not mean that we don't make mistakes

Which ones (except for the one above) do you think are non-standard?
-In some menu items the ... (3 dots) are missing for the command(s) followd by a popup modal dialog.
Which ones?
-Some menuitems are enabled even they should not be. Open a file then select project options.
For project properties, that's indeed true in HEAD. Which ones else did you notice?
-If would be better that the project wizard to be brought to the next level not just generating a standard c/cpp file (see visual studio wizard).
Again, I don't know what version you are referring to, but the project wizards are able to do a lot more than that. As far as Visual Studio is concerned, I do not know what exactly it is you want, you may want to elaborate.