so you mixed all possible steps together.... well we possibly we have a pile of trash that we have to clean up...
We can try to install a nightly, or to compile from source...
to install a nightly:
1) go to your synaptic packet manager and deinstall (remove) all things you find under codeblocks and wxWidgets
2) restart and search again in synaptic if you find something with wxWidgets or codeblocks and remove it also *)
3) **) Install the nightly from pasguis ppa: 3a) Add the repository to your sources by following this steps, but add use the pasgui ppa (it is described here under
Adding this PPA to your system3b) Install codeblocks nightly by typing in your terminal:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install codeblocks
3ba) or search in your software center for codeblocks and make sure, you have install the nightly (there should somewhere be written that you install a nightly)
Or Compile from source:
1) Follow this steps, and ONLY this steps from TOP to BOTTOM, all steps this should work...
if you have problems, please post the exact error and the exact steps you have done..
*) restart is not 100% necessary but it will help...
**) @dev: why are there no ubuntu release deb? Can he use the debian release?