« on: April 07, 2015, 10:29:43 am »
When extracting chains (to translate them), xgettext has problems in \trunk\src\plugins\astyle\resources\configuration.xrc which contains strange characters at line 98 :
The option
?add??one??line??brackets can also be used with this style.
The ?? are probably bad encoded.

Windows 11 64 bits (23H2), svn C::B (last version or almost!), wxWidgets 3.2.5 (tests with 3.3), Msys2 Compilers 14.1.0, 64 bits (seh, posix : gcc, g++ and gfortran in C:\msys64\mingw64) or 32 bits (dwarf2, posix in C:\msys64\mingw32).