I'm going to apply this patch:
As usual I cannot apply this GIT patch but from visual inspection it looks fine to me.
Now, please try this patch:
Index: src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parser.cpp
--- src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parser.cpp (revision 9823)
+++ src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parser.cpp (working copy)
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ void Parser::AddParse(const wxString& filename)
-bool Parser::Parse(const wxString& filename, bool isLocal, bool locked, LoaderBase* loader)
+bool Parser::Parse(const wxString& filename, bool isLocal, bool locked)
ParserThreadOptions opts;
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ bool Parser::Parse(const wxString& filename, bool isLocal, bool locked, LoaderBa
opts.storeDocumentation = m_Options.storeDocumentation;
- opts.loader = loader; // maybe 0 at this point
+ opts.loader = nullptr; // must be 0 at this point
bool result = false;
@@ -567,16 +567,15 @@ bool Parser::Parse(const wxString& filename, bool isLocal, bool locked, LoaderBa
if (!canparse)
- if (opts.loader) // if a loader is already open at this point, the caller must clean it up
- CCLogger::Get()->DebugLog(_T("Parser::Parse(): CodeCompletion Plugin: FileLoader memory leak ")
- _T("while loading file ") + filename);
- break;
+ CCLogger::Get()->DebugLog(_T("Parser::Parse(): file already parsed or reserved for parsing") + filename);
+ break;
- // this should always be true
- // memory will leak if a loader has already been initialized before this point
- if (!opts.loader)
- opts.loader = Manager::Get()->GetFileManager()->Load(filename, m_NeedsReparse);
+ // once the Load function is called, it will return a loader pointer, and start loading
+ // the file content in a background thread(see: BackgroundThread class)
+ // the loader will be deleted in the ParserThread::InitTokenizer() function.
+ opts.loader = Manager::Get()->GetFileManager()->Load(filename, m_NeedsReparse);
ParserThread* thread = new ParserThread(this, filename, isLocal, opts, m_TokenTree);
TRACE(_T("Parser::Parse(): Parsing %s"), filename.wx_str());
Index: src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parser.h
--- src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parser.h (revision 9823)
+++ src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parser.h (working copy)
@@ -341,9 +341,8 @@ protected:
/** parse the file, either immediately or delayed.
* @param locked give the status of the Tokentree, false means the tree is not locked
- * @param loader is the object to load the file to internally buffer (lower down to Tokenizer)
- bool Parse(const wxString& filename, bool isLocal = true, bool locked = false, LoaderBase* loader = NULL);
+ bool Parse(const wxString& filename, bool isLocal = true, bool locked = false);
/** delete those files from the TokenTree, and add them again thought AddParse() function */
void ReparseModifiedFiles();
Note that I use a script to generate this SVN compatible patch under msysgit.
# git-svn-diff originally by (http://mojodna.net/2009/02/24/my-work-git-workflow.html)
# modified by mike@mikepearce.net
# modified by aconway@[redacted] - handle diffs that introduce new files
# modified by t.broyer@ltgt.net - fixes diffs that introduce new files
# modified by m@rkj.me - fix sed syntax issue in OS X
# modified by dertom - fix new file-bug. Whitespace mandatory for new file '+++ file.c'
# Generate an SVN-compatible diff against the tip of the tracking branch
# Get the tracking branch (if we're on a branch)
# TRACKING_BRANCH=`git svn info | grep URL | sed -e 's/.*\/branches\///'`
# If the tracking branch has 'URL' at the beginning, then the sed wasn't successful and
# we'll fall back to the svn-remote config option
#if [[ "$TRACKING_BRANCH" =~ URL.* ]]
TRACKING_BRANCH=`git config --get svn-remote.svn.fetch | sed -e 's/.*:refs\/remotes\///'`
# Get the highest revision number
REV=`git svn find-rev $(git rev-list --date-order --max-count=1 $TRACKING_BRANCH)`
# Then do the diff from the highest revision on the current branch
# and masssage into SVN format
git diff --no-prefix $(git rev-list --date-order --max-count=1 $TRACKING_BRANCH) $* |
sed -e "/--- \/dev\/null/{ N; s|^--- /dev/null\n+++ \(.*\)|--- \1 (revision 0)\n+++ \1 (revision 0)|;}" \
-e "s/^--- .*/& (revision $REV)/" \
-e "s/^+++ .*/& (working copy)/" \
-e "s/^diff --git [^[:space:]]*/Index:/" \
-e "s/^index.*/===================================================================/"
I did some modification on the original script from (
https://gist.github.com/dertom95/3551647 )
When run the original script, I get an error like: (I don't know how to fix it)
$ git-svn-diff.sh >../a.diff
/bin/git-svn-diff.sh: line 17: conditional binary operator expected
/bin/git-svn-diff.sh: line 17: syntax error near `=~'
/bin/git-svn-diff.sh: line 17: `if [[ "$TRACKING_BRANCH" =~ URL.* ]]'
So, I just comment out some lines, since in my system, I only need the TRACKING_BRANCH value from the command:
git config --get svn-remote.svn.fetch | sed -e 's/.*:refs\/remotes\///'
Which is "git-svn" in my local git repo.