Author Topic: CC Code review: CodeCompletion::m_InitDone  (Read 12749 times)

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CC Code review: CodeCompletion::m_InitDone
« on: May 13, 2014, 08:58:11 am »
This bool variable was introduced in

Revision: 8080bfca289338ecfa74cf13dd10c4ae96cc0e64
Author: rickg22 <rickg22@2a5c6006-c6dd-42ca-98ab-0921f2732cef>
Date: 2006-1-23 14:14:56
Removed (yet another) bottleneck in Codecompletion with global includes.
Removed (confirmed now) 5-second delay at startup with Codecompletion enabled.
git-svn-id: 2a5c6006-c6dd-42ca-98ab-0921f2732cef

@@ -248,11 +252,6 @@ bool CodeCompletion::BuildToolBar(wxToolBar* toolBar)
 void CodeCompletion::OnAttach()
- // parse all active projects
- ProjectManager* prjMan = Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prjMan->GetProjects()->GetCount(); ++i)
- m_NativeParsers.AddParser(prjMan->GetProjects()->Item(i));
+void CodeCompletion::OnAppDoneStartup(CodeBlocksEvent& event)
+    // Let the app startup before parsing
+    m_timer.Start(200,wxTIMER_ONE_SHOT);
+void CodeCompletion::OnStartParsingProjects(wxTimerEvent& event)
+ // parse all active projects
+ ProjectManager* prjMan = Manager::Get()->GetProjectManager();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prjMan->GetProjects()->GetCount(); ++i)
+ m_NativeParsers.AddParser(prjMan->GetProjects()->Item(i));
+    m_InitDone = true;

Here, a new timer is added. Before this commit, the parsing was started in CodeCompletion::OnAttach(), after this commit, the parsing is started a bit later (after the application is fully started, and a time period later). Since starting parsing may take several seconds, so delay this task can make C::B start much faster.

Note: When C::B started, it usually do such things

scan plugins
for (each plugin)
    run its OnAttach()
send event: APP_STARTUP_DONE

But this cause an issue, here is the steps:

1, C::B is started with CodeCompletion plguin disabled.
2, you open a project
3, you enable the Codecompletion plugin
4, *BUG* Codecompletion plugin does not run parsing on already opened project.

If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.