If I go to Settings -> Compiler , the selected Compiler there is GNU GCC Compiler , as is the case at configuring the project.
I have downloaded wxPack 3.0, which had an easy setup procedure. And as far as my understanding goes, it installed already built wxW library, so I don't think I came across any Compiler selection in that process, nor was any mentioned.
in "wxWidgets3.0" , I have folders "lib" and "lib64". Each of those contain same 6 folders, named : gcc48_dll, gcc48_lib, vcc100_dll, vcc100_lib, vcc120_dll, vcc120_lib
The 3 folders with endings "_dll" contain dll files, among others
In "lib" , folder "gcc48_dll" ( assuming this is the right folders ? ) has 34 .dll files . Some of them start with "wxmsw30u" , but they have appendices, for example "wxmsw30u_gl_gcc48.dll"