Author Topic: 13.11 Linking with the Digital Mars compiler - Linux  (Read 5585 times)

Offline teales

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13.11 Linking with the Digital Mars compiler - Linux
« on: January 29, 2014, 02:59:58 pm »
From the build log I see that instead of using dmd to do the link, Codeblocks uses gcc directly.  For the output destination, in the command line, it has -ofbin/Debug/appname. The linker then complains that there is No such file/directory: fbin/Debug/appname, making it impossible to build a D program.

I think the -of flag is a dmd one. If I understand gcc --help correctly, gcc uses -o to specify a destination. I don't see any way to alter this in settings. Is there a way round it or does it require developer attention?