Author Topic: A particular Kind of use (seeing how Pyhon 3 is implemented)  (Read 3363 times)

Offline feraudyh

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A particular Kind of use (seeing how Pyhon 3 is implemented)
« on: January 18, 2014, 06:37:22 pm »
 I'm on Ubuntu 11 something. I'm rather new to CodeBlocks. The Ubuntu version of CodeBlocks is not the very latest, but I guess this is not going to be a problem for the
need I am about to explain.
 I want to know how the  Python 3.3 interpreter works and so I thought I could use the debugger inside Codeblocks could help me trace the execution of some Python scripts (actually just library calls) and this way I would be better off than just inspecting the code with my eyes.
I have downloaded the Python 3.3.3 sources and run ./configure, which as I understand produces a Makefile.
Now can CodeBlocks use this and allow me to make a debug version I can run under Codeblocks? There are a huge number of files.
thankyou for your attention

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Re: A particular Kind of use (seeing how Pyhon 3 is implemented)
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 07:59:15 pm »
1. you don't have to build inside C::B to be able to debug using it.
2.1. inspect ./configure --help to see how to build debug version
2.2. read the manual for python
3. debugging in newer versions of C::B works a lot better
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Offline feraudyh

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Re: A particular Kind of use (seeing how Pyhon 3 is implemented)
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 12:47:08 pm »