Author Topic: RAD TOOL developers wanted  (Read 74428 times)


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2005, 01:49:52 am »
Well, there's a downpoint to using dialogblocks. It's commercial. And we've seen what can happen when we rely on proprietary technology for open source projects: Bitkeeper (Linux), Sun proprietary Java extensions (

It's better if we have 100% open code in codeblocks


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2005, 11:02:23 pm »
Yes, DialogBlocks is commercial, but isn't developed by a MegaCorporation, it's developed by Julian Smart, no joke =) I mean, he is the most important developer in wx.
And he was gently enough to donate almost all of the RAD code to an IDE opensource project:

-Ask Julian to donate most of the DialogBlocks code.
He already has done that for another IDE (CodeDragon - wxStudio), but that project isn't maintained anymore.

Offline rickg22

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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2005, 05:39:05 am »
let's see how upCase's code works. But I don't think using Julian Smart's resource editor would be good, i mean, if he wanted to make it GPL he would have. He has to live of something.


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2005, 07:20:25 pm »
First of all, upCase, keep your good work =)

Anyways, regarding DialogBlocks always exist the option of donate part of the code (probably the difficult parts to upCase) to an opensource project (more if you consider that Julian already did that in the past).

I've talked to Julian about making it a plugin or generate projects and he replied:


Thanks for the suggestions! I'll give them some thought.
Making DB into a plugin is non-trivial, and potentially
a distraction from my rather long to-do list, but generating
a CB project should be more do-able.




Offline David Perfors

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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2005, 07:30:32 pm »
That is very nice, but why not making our own, by using the code if upCase? I know that it takes some time to get it all working correctly as it should, but it is ours then, and we know what the code is doing, so we are not depending on Julian to include bugs and features :)

upCase: your program looks very prommising, hopefully we can get a plugin of it very soon.
OS: winXP
Compiler: mingw
IDE: Code::Blocks SVN WX: 2.8.4 Wish list: faster code completion, easier debugging, refactoring


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2005, 08:32:01 am »
Quote from: mispunt

upCase: your program looks very prommising, hopefully we can get a plugin of it very soon.

Thanks! I'm trying to get rid of some bugs and implement some new widgets. I will have to change some things in the propertygrid to make it more "intuitive" and give it the ability for event tables later on.
First step will be a MIME plugin I guess.

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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #36 on: May 18, 2005, 08:48:51 am »
First step will be a MIME plugin I guess.

"The easy way out" :)
It's better this way, at least until it's stable. So you won't have to chase bugs around your code *and* codeblocks ;)

Be patient!
This bug will be fixed soon...


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2005, 09:44:53 am »
I think we all agree that upCase RAD looks very promising :)
And, in the long-term using upCase implementation is the best
In the meantime, some kind of integration with a currently very functional working implementation of a wx RAD (like DialogBlocks or wxDesigner) is desired.

For example, if DialogBlocks outputs Code::Blocks projects you'll end having a platform to develop more fast and easily the upCase RAD GUI itself and working right now.

I also vote for the upCase MIME plugin easy way, dealing with less bugs the better =)


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2005, 03:20:03 am »
What's the status on this thing  8) .
I'm seriously fed up with no community IDE having a decent RAD tool.
I've been using Dev-Cpp for some time but didn't care to contrib to a Delphi codebase.
C::B looks like a very good start as a direct replacement to Dev-Cpp for me.
As I'm an experienced C++ programming and I have some free time, I wanna jump in with both feet  :D .

BTW, it's kinda funny that C::B is wxWindows based and that wxWindows is primarily maintained by Julian Smart, but this discussion sounds really down on using him as a source for the RAD tool.  He can essentially do what he wants with his code as a commercial product, but asking him to contribute is cheap.  If he wants to contribute some or all of his codebase under GPL to C::B, are we not worthy to receive it?  He doesn't have to develop the plugin, just post the code (or significant portions) under GPL for our use.


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2005, 03:26:32 am »
Oh, yeah.  What about wxFormBuilder?

Offline rickg22

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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2005, 07:53:33 am »
Apparently upCase has done us the favor by donating his personal RAD. byo is working on it, as you can see in the thread "wxMDIChildframe crash" (can't change the title, sorry :-P ). There's a screenshot there! :D

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« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2005, 08:17:52 am »
Quote from: rickg22
... as you can see in the thread "wxMDIChildframe crash" (can't change the title, sorry :-P )...

maybe the title isn't so bad  :lol:
*sorry* couldn't resist  :D


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form editor...
« Reply #42 on: May 22, 2005, 05:16:20 pm »
Hi !

I'm currently working on a wx form editor. At this point, I've just finished the edition mechanism and i plan to distribute my (open-source) software until i add all the wxWidgets into it. After that, i'll add the sizer edition and many things that will permit this software to be a complete form editor.

This is a standalone editor but I think it can be converted as a code::blocks pluggin ( I'll search for code::blocks developpers later to do it )

Your project is great and i think code::blocks can become the best developpment editor. i can send files to anyone who is interrested by my editor.

Regards. ( I'm sorry but my English is'nt verry good !!!  :oops:  )

Offline cyberkoa

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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #43 on: May 23, 2005, 01:27:45 am »
It seems like a few ppls are working on the RAD tools/plugin

  upCASE - wxResEdit , standalone App wxCode genarator

  byo - a RAD plugin , modified from upCASE's code ?/or own code

  thedeurf - working on a wx form editor

Frankly say , I do not know how to code the RAD tools but I really hope that the RAD tools can be implemented in Code::Blocks either by plugin or embeded in the main code. I can help to do some simple coding.

 I believe in co-operation make the best & fast output.

 It is now in a promising stage , I really hope that the 2 parties , code::blocks developers and the RAD tools developers can work out an agreement on the RAD tools , at least on the following things

   a) should it be done as plug-in or embeded code in main code?

   b)should it be a code generator or more sophisticated RAD tools that can make the coding on fly , for example , doubleclick the button on the form bring will pointer the line to the button-click event functions.

   c)whose code should be used as the RAD tools base code , I suppose everybody hope that it must be "open source" with wxwidgets license or GPL.

  Hope to hear the decision to start the RAD tools /plugin coding together instead of lone ranger programmer. Hope that I would be able to contribute at least something.


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RAD TOOL developers wanted
« Reply #44 on: May 23, 2005, 03:34:11 am »
the project that i'm working on is able to coding on the fly : the code portions are added / deleted between markers just like wxDev-Cpp and the event editor only create function if it doesn't exist and modify their name and parameters when needed.

Before write more code, i will learn the code blocks source code to write something that can be integrated easily....  :wink:

Thanks for any help, you're welcome !!!  :mrgreen: