Author Topic: Docking library: wxAUI  (Read 6321 times)


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Docking library: wxAUI
« on: December 30, 2005, 05:30:45 am »
Hi! I've contacted the autor of wxAUI. It seems that it's the only docking library in active development.

I've asked for the features C::B needs (tabs, saving/loading layout, etc) and this is the reply:

Quote from: awilliams
Thanks for your feedback!

wxAUI currently supports the following functionality (as of 0.9):

* Native, floating/docking frames
* Toolbars, incorporating "spring-loaded" dragging
* Perspective saving and loading
* Customizable floating/docking behavior
* Customizable look and feel
* Optional transparent window effects while dragging and docking

Based on the roadmap, upcoming versions of the library may/will implement the features you need, including:

* An optional Heads Up Display (HUD) display mode for precisely positioned frame docking
* Tab options to view and organize documents
* Drop-down combos and menus in toolbars and tear-away frames

Best Regards,

Here is the complete roadmap:

So my conclusions are: Keep using wxDockIt for now, until wxAUI haves the needed functionality.
A new SVN C::B branch can be created for testing wxAUI in the meantime.

Offline 280Z28

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Re: Docking library: wxAUI
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2005, 07:45:33 am »
Check this out. HUD is the greatest docking creation of all time. I was floored the first time I used this docking interface.  8) (This is Visual Studio 2005 by the way, not a wxAUI app)

wxAUI looks like it's headed in the ideal direction for us to make use of it. It doesn't seem to offer tabbed frames right now, which we definitely need.

I like the looks of it (wxAUI).

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: December 30, 2005, 07:57:39 am by 280Z28 »
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Re: Docking library: wxAUI
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2005, 08:49:55 am »
HUD is exactly what wxIFM haves. See

Unfortunately, wxIFM doesn't have saving/loading layouts, neither toolbar handling.
More unfortunately, it will probably never have that until someone does, but for now the library isn't actively developed.

Anyways, this thread is about wxAUI, there is other for wxIFM.

HUD and tabs handling is in the roadmap for wxAUI, so our option is 1) wait, 2) do-it ourselves, modifying wxAUI, which is very small, I mean, it's only one .h and one .cpp :o