I wanted to set up Code::Blocks for the ELF GCC on Windows.
I wanted to manage the code for my very little operating system kernel.
But there were some trouble with the configuration.
I had copied the GCC compiler settings and I had changed some settings.
Then the compiling and the linking have worked.
Today I started Code::Blocks and there was shown up a big error window. ("Compiler auto-detection")
All relative compiler paths are displayed invalid.
Why doesn't relative paths work any more, when I have added a custom compiler?
Is it a bug?
My settings in "
<![CDATA[GNU GCC Compiler ELF]]>
<![CDATA[-m32 -ffreestanding -Wall -nostdinc;]]>
<![CDATA[NASM Netwide Assembler]]>
<![CDATA[-f elf32;]]>
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