I have recently redone a build process thoroughly. This includes:
(1) removing all my old files (including all c::b-installation files, downloaded c::b svn sources, MinGW install files, Wxwidget sources and output files)
(2) re-installing MinGW from scratch
(3) downloading wxWidget-2.8.12 sources and re-build them from scratch (following wiki instructions with no compilation error)
(4) downloading and installing this nightly-build of c::b (which works fine)
(5) doing a checkout of latest c::b svn sources from scratch
(6) building c::b and its contrib-plugin workspaces (following wiki instructions with no compilation error)
(7) uninstalling this nightly-build of c::b replacing it with the newly built version (following wiki instructions)
...and the doxyblocks plugin still causes crash. What's more, no codeblocks.RPT was even generated this time.