I'm finally starting to revise the python debugger again. I plan to post questions and issues re using the new debugger API here (mostly intended for obfuscated).
To test:
1. Checkout the code to your contrib directory (this assumes you are using C::B to build C::B and the plugins)
svn checkout http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/cbilplugin/trunk/PythonDebugger
2. When you build the project within C::B it will install itself into devel like any other contrib plugin.
3. Make sure python is in your path
4. Open a sample python program
5. Set Python Debugger as the active debugger: Debug -> Active Debuggers -> PyDebugger
6. F8 will start debugging on the python program in the active editor (I may add python project support later), F7 to step through the code, F4 to run to cursor etc
Stepping through code, call stack and breakpoints all sort of work.
Using the watch will crash C::B (still working on it) Watch now sort of working (shows children (but not children of children), no changing of values)