Code completion in C::B is really useful, but it seems to behave worse when there are big lists of candidates. This happens whenever you include big headers (such as <windows.h>), because the only critera for suggesting candidates seems to alphabetic sorting. Think, for instance, a Windows program where I have the following:
UniString U( const string& Text )
UniString Result = U( Text.c_str() );
Result += '\0';
return Re <-- HERE
For anyone seeing this code, it would be very obvious that I want to write "Result", however due to windows definitions Code Completion suggests the following:
... (VERY long list)
All these Windows definitions have
nothing to do with what I am writing. But the problem is that, being THAT many, in many simple cases you end up having to write almost the whole word yourself to get the right suggestion. This is a clear indication that, when including big headers, a simple alphabetic sort is not the most useful criteria.
So my question here is if it would be feasible to change priorities in the suggestion list, so that local definitions are suggested first. In my experience I have found this would get the first suggestion right in a high percentage of cases, and would therefore save lots of times when programming.
What do you think about this?