There are:
- SD-card with FAT FS on SPI;
- 2x C328R Cameras on UARTS;
- mma7455 accelerometer (SPI);
- M2M modem connection (UART with hardware flow)...
- Dallas ds1338 RTC (I2C).
in my project...
Years ago I've tried to implement C328R driver under both simulavr and IAR-sym, only for sport. It is awful!!!
Believe it or not there is no faster way to debug with hardware whether it's 'jtag-ice' or 'dragon'. It's not related to CB, it's not even much related to 'gdb' and 'avarice', that's how things are. You can also try AVR Studio's simulator.
Sorry, I do not believe. Hardware debugging under AVR Studio is so fast as fast you can press F5 button, whatever debug views you have opened...
It is unfortunate that this is not a open source project.