I'm writing and debugging 64-bit applications in both C and assembly language with the codeblocks IDE on ubuntu, but the registers only display 32-bits. The IDE is smart enough to realize it is a 64-bit mode program, since it calls the registers "rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, rsi, rdi, rbp, rsp, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, rip...", BUT it only displays a 32-bit value for the contents of the registers. The strange part is, the integer values seem to display values beyond the limit of 32-bit numbers, but the hexadecimal values never exceed 32-bit values... so I can't read addresses in registers! Ouch!
Also, I'm writing a lot of SIMD assembly language now, complete with AVX and FMA4 and other up-to-date features... but the SIMD registers are not displayed! That's a huge bummer. Why are registers ymm0 ~ ymm15 missing?
Oh, one other extremely annoying aspect of the IDE is... the variables are not displayed in any obvious order. They should be displayed in alphabetic order. As it is now, it takes me FOREVER to find specific variables in large functions. Very annoying!
Still, I love codeblocks... it's just missing a few very basic capabilities and features.