Author Topic: debuging with idbc  (Read 6973 times)

Offline darmar

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debuging with idbc
« on: January 03, 2012, 09:21:05 am »
I am interesting in the use of Intel’s debugger with C::B. I tried to use “idbc” debugger with option -gdb, which imitates the commands of GDB debugger. Theoretically should be possible to use idbc instead of gdb without any changes (except of adding option -gdb). Unfortunately, the C::B becomes unresponsive after the start of debugger plugin.

I looked into the code of plugin. Debugger plugin uses prompt “cb_gdb:” to find an end of command output. But the problem is that plugin doesn’t catch this prompt when idbc is used (C::B uses the wxProcess object for this purpose).

Could somebody explain why the prompt “cb_gdb:” is not caught in idbc case?

Offline oBFusCATed

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Re: debuging with idbc
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2012, 10:35:39 am »
Can you post the full debug log of the debugger.
The debug log is not enabled by default and you should enable it in 'Settings -> Compiler & Debugger-> Debugger -> Debugger's debug log'.

And keep in mind that the idbg should produce the same output to the commands as gdb,
if the output format is different a new debugger plugin should be written to implement correct communication with idbg.

Also we have a branch, where we have done many improvements to the debugging in C::B, you can check it out, it is named wxpropgrid_debugger.
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Offline darmar

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Re: debuging with idbc
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2012, 11:49:42 am »
Thanks for reply.

And keep in mind that the idbg should produce the same output to the commands as gdb,
if the output format is different a new debugger plugin should be written to implement correct communication with idbg.

I understand this.

Also we have a branch, where we have done many improvements to the debugging in C::B, you can check it out, it is named wxpropgrid_debugger.

I will test this branch.

As I said, I can't understand, why "cb_gdb:" prompt is not caught. I think that problem is with wxProcess not with C::B. Could it be?
Below is debug log of the debugger. Because  "cb_gdb:" prompt is not caught, C::B never comes to the second command in the queue. If I debug a test program using command line in the terminal, the output of gdb and idbc debuggers looks the same.

Command-line: /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.2.137/bin/ia32/idbc -gdb -nx -fullname  -quiet -args bin/Debug/gdb_test
Working dir : /home/darius/Programavimas/idb_test/
> set prompt >>>>>>cb_gdb:
Executing: xterm -T 'Program Console' -e sleep 84792
Executing: ps x -o tty,pid,command
Reading symbols from /home/darius/Programavimas/idb_test/bin/Debug/idb_test...done.
PS result: pts/1     5000 ps x -o tty,pid,command
PS result: pts/1     4999 bin/Debug/idb_test
PS result: pts/6     4997 sleep 84792
TTY is[/dev/pts/6]
Queued:[tty /dev/pts/6]

Offline oBFusCATed

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Re: debuging with idbc
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2012, 11:57:27 am »
Is this the whole log?
What about pasting the log from a fully working command line session with idbc?

p.s. Please use  code tags to enclose pastes of logs or source
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