Author Topic: Pointer/Array not recognized  (Read 19421 times)

Offline daniloz

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Pointer/Array not recognized
« on: November 15, 2011, 09:44:36 am »
Hi All,

I don't know exactly what's the technical name of what I'm doing, but look at the following code:
float *pFloat;
float **pFloat2;
float (*pFloatPar)[3];

int main()
I've declared pFloatPar as a double array in a way that the compiler knows about the second dimension size and then I can write pFloatPar[2][1].

However, the actual code completion doesn't recognize the declaration (see the attached screenshot). My assumption is that CC cannot correctly parse the parenthesis...

Offline ollydbg

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 10:17:44 am »
I have put your code in our parsertest project, and the result looks below:

000001. ParserDummy() : ParserBase() : Instantiation of Parser object.
000002. InitTokenizer() : m_Filename='test.h', m_FileSize=108.
000003. Init() : m_Filename='test.h'
000004. test.h
000005. Parse() : Parsing 'test.h'
000006. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='float'
000007. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='*'
000008. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='pFloat'
000009. DoAddToken() : Created token='pFloat', file_idx=1, line=1, ticket=
000010. GetActualTokenType() : Searching within m_Str='float'
000011. GetActualTokenType() : Compensated m_Str='float'
000012. GetActualTokenType() : Found 'float'
000013. DoAddToken() : Prepending ''
000014. DoAddToken() : Added/updated token 'pFloat' (0), kind 'variable', type 'float*', actual 'float'. Parent is  (-1)
000015. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float', token=';'
000016. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='float'
000017. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='*'
000018. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='*'
000019. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='pFloat2'
000020. DoAddToken() : Created token='pFloat2', file_idx=1, line=2, ticket=
000021. GetActualTokenType() : Searching within m_Str='float'
000022. GetActualTokenType() : Compensated m_Str='float'
000023. GetActualTokenType() : Found 'float'
000024. DoAddToken() : Prepending ''
000025. DoAddToken() : Added/updated token 'pFloat2' (1), kind 'variable', type 'float**', actual 'float'. Parent is  (-1)
000026. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float', token=';'
000027. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='float'
000028. ReadParentheses(): (* pFloatPar), line=3
000029. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token=';'
000030. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='int'
000031. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='int ', token='main'
000032. ReadParentheses(): (), line=5
000033. HandleFunction() : Adding function 'main': m_Str='int '
000034. HandleFunction() : name='main', args='()', peek='{'
000035. HandleFunction() : !(Ctor/Dtor) 'main', m_Str='int ', localParent='<none>'
000036. HandleFunction() : Adding function 'main', ': m_Str='int ', enc_ns='nil'.
000037. HandleFunction() : Add token name='main', args='()', return type='int '
000038. GetBaseArgs() : args='()'.
000039. GetBaseArgs() : baseArgs='()'.
000040. DoAddToken() : Created token='main', file_idx=1, line=5, ticket=
000041. GetActualTokenType() : Searching within m_Str='int'
000042. GetActualTokenType() : Compensated m_Str='int'
000043. GetActualTokenType() : Found 'int'
000044. DoAddToken() : Prepending ''
000045. DoAddToken() : Added/updated token 'main' (2), kind 'function', type 'int', actual 'int'. Parent is  (-1)
000046. ParserDummy() : ~ParserBase() : Destruction of Parser object.


000047. float* pFloat [1,0]
000048. float** pFloat2 [2,0]
000049. main() [5,5]


000050. variable float* pFloat [1,0]
000051. variable float** pFloat2 [2,0]
000052. function int main() [5,5]

Yes. The parser just skip the "[3]".

The proposed fix is try to peek the token after the right parenthesis, and if it is a "[", then we can guess that is is a second level pointer.

If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline daniloz

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2011, 02:20:40 pm »
Yes. The parser just skip the "[3]".
Even if the parser does so, the result should be float *pFloatPar; and the parser should treat it as a pointer to a float. This would, of course, be wrong, but it seems the parser is just dropping this symbol completely.

The proposed fix is try to peek the token after the right parenthesis, and if it is a "[", then we can guess that is is a second level pointer.
That sounds good to me, however I'm not that familiar with the CC plugin to try a patch, sorry... ;-)

Offline ollydbg

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2011, 02:47:40 pm »
The proposed fix is try to peek the token after the right parenthesis, and if it is a "[", then we can guess that is is a second level pointer.
That sounds good to me, however I'm not that familiar with the CC plugin to try a patch, sorry... ;-)
I think I will take some time to fix it.  :D
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline daniloz

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2011, 02:52:37 pm »
I think I will take some time to fix it.  :D
That'd be great... Thanks!  8)

Offline ollydbg

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2011, 01:49:33 am »
This is a dirty hack on this
Index: E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parserthread.cpp
--- E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parserthread.cpp (revision 7561)
+++ E:/code/cb/cb_trunk/src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parserthread.cpp (working copy)
@@ -506,11 +506,11 @@
-    // Notice: clears the queue "m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces"
+    // Notice: clear the queue "m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces"
     while (!m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces.empty())
-    // Notice: clears the queue "m_EncounteredNamespaces"
+    // Notice: clear the queue "m_EncounteredNamespaces"
     while (!m_EncounteredNamespaces.empty())
@@ -942,7 +942,8 @@
                         int pos = peek.find(ParserConsts::ptr);
                         if (pos != wxNOT_FOUND)
-                            if (m_Tokenizer.PeekToken().GetChar(0) == ParserConsts::opbracket_chr)
+                            peek = m_Tokenizer.PeekToken();
+                            if (peek.GetChar(0) == ParserConsts::opbracket_chr)
                                 //wxString token = arg.Mid(pos+1,)
@@ -953,6 +954,18 @@
+                            else if (peek.GetChar(0) == ParserConsts::semicolon_chr)
+                            {
+                                // we meet such mode:
+                                // AAA (*BBB)[ccc];
+                                // The "[ccc]" was skipped by Tokenizer, so we meet the semicolon
+                                m_Str << token<<_T("*");
+                                //strip the "*" from arg.
+                                arg.Trim(true).RemoveLast();
+                                arg.Remove(0, pos+1); //remove the heading "*"
+                                if (m_Options.handleVars)
+                                    DoAddToken(tkVariable, arg, m_Tokenizer.GetLineNumber());
+                            }
                         else // wxString arg = m_Tokenizer.GetToken(); // eat args ()
                             m_Str = token + arg;
@@ -2646,6 +2659,7 @@
         else if (tmp==ParserConsts::gt)
+            m_TemplateArgument.Trim();
             m_TemplateArgument << tmp;
         else if (tmp==ParserConsts::semicolon)
@@ -2658,7 +2672,7 @@
         else if (tmp.IsEmpty())
-            m_TemplateArgument << tmp;
+            m_TemplateArgument << tmp <<_T(" ");
         if (nestLvl <= 0)

Well, the log is below:

000001. ParserDummy() : ParserBase() : Instantiation of Parser object.
000002. InitTokenizer() : m_Filename='test.h', m_FileSize=108.
000003. Init() : m_Filename='test.h'
000004. test.h
000005. Parse() : Parsing 'test.h'
000006. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='float'
000007. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='*'
000008. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='pFloat'
000009. DoAddToken() : Created token='pFloat', file_idx=1, line=1, ticket=
000010. GetActualTokenType() : Searching within m_Str='float'
000011. GetActualTokenType() : Compensated m_Str='float'
000012. GetActualTokenType() : Found 'float'
000013. DoAddToken() : Prepending ''
000014. DoAddToken() : Added/updated token 'pFloat' (0), kind 'variable', type 'float*', actual 'float'. Parent is  (-1)
000015. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float', token=';'
000016. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='float'
000017. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='*'
000018. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='*'
000019. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float ', token='pFloat2'
000020. DoAddToken() : Created token='pFloat2', file_idx=1, line=2, ticket=
000021. GetActualTokenType() : Searching within m_Str='float'
000022. GetActualTokenType() : Compensated m_Str='float'
000023. GetActualTokenType() : Found 'float'
000024. DoAddToken() : Prepending ''
000025. DoAddToken() : Added/updated token 'pFloat2' (1), kind 'variable', type 'float**', actual 'float'. Parent is  (-1)
000026. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float', token=';'
000027. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='float'
000028. ReadParentheses(): (* pFloatPar), line=3
000029. DoAddToken() : Created token=' pFloatPar', file_idx=1, line=3, ticket=
000030. GetActualTokenType() : Searching within m_Str='float*'
000031. GetActualTokenType() : Compensated m_Str='float*'
000032. GetActualTokenType() : Found 'float'
000033. DoAddToken() : Prepending ''
000034. DoAddToken() : Added/updated token ' pFloatPar' (2), kind 'variable', type 'float*', actual 'float'. Parent is  (-1)
000035. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='float*', token=';'
000036. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='', token='int'
000037. DoParse() : Loop:m_Str='int ', token='main'
000038. ReadParentheses(): (), line=5
000039. HandleFunction() : Adding function 'main': m_Str='int '
000040. HandleFunction() : name='main', args='()', peek='{'
000041. HandleFunction() : !(Ctor/Dtor) 'main', m_Str='int ', localParent='<none>'
000042. HandleFunction() : Adding function 'main', ': m_Str='int ', enc_ns='nil'.
000043. HandleFunction() : Add token name='main', args='()', return type='int '
000044. GetBaseArgs() : args='()'.
000045. GetBaseArgs() : baseArgs='()'.
000046. DoAddToken() : Created token='main', file_idx=1, line=5, ticket=
000047. GetActualTokenType() : Searching within m_Str='int'
000048. GetActualTokenType() : Compensated m_Str='int'
000049. GetActualTokenType() : Found 'int'
000050. DoAddToken() : Prepending ''
000051. DoAddToken() : Added/updated token 'main' (3), kind 'function', type 'int', actual 'int'. Parent is  (-1)
000052. ParserDummy() : ~ParserBase() : Destruction of Parser object.


000053. float* pFloat   [1,0]
000054. float** pFloat2   [2,0]
000055. float*  pFloatPar   [3,0]
000056. main()   [5,5]


000057. variable float* pFloat   [1,0]
000058. variable float** pFloat2   [2,0]
000059. variable float*  pFloatPar   [3,0]
000060. function int main()   [5,5]

If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2011, 08:26:54 am »
...I got another one (a vector) not working properly for me:
#include <vector>

class AClass
   AClass() {;}
  ~AClass() {;}

  void MyMethod() {;}

class AnotherClass
   AnotherClass() {;}
  ~AnotherClass() {;}

  inline const std::vector<AClass*> GetAClassVec()
    return mvpAClass;

   std::vector<AClass*> mvpAClass;

int main()
  AnotherClass a;
  a. // does not show GetAClassVec
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Offline ollydbg

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2011, 03:16:42 pm »
Look, it seems the function does not parse correctly. See the screen shot below
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline ollydbg

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2011, 03:39:46 pm »
OK, we arrived in this if clause.

                else if (peek==ParserConsts::dcolon)
                    if (m_Str.IsEmpty())
                        m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces.push(token); // it's a type's namespace
                    m_Tokenizer.GetToken(); // eat ::
Here, I just parse the third line:
class AnotherClass
  inline const std::vector<AClass*> GetAClassVec() {;}

token = "std"
peek = "::"
m_Str = "const "

The logic is:
We put the "std" as the m_EncounteredNamespaces,
but the correct way is: “std" should be put in m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces.

One possible way is: we should skip the ”const“ (do not put "const" into m_Str, as m_Str is like a returned type stack), so that when we peek a "::", we see the m_Str is empty, and ”std" will put into m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces.

OK, can you understand my explanation???
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2011, 09:23:30 pm »
We put the "std" as the m_EncounteredNamespaces,
but the correct way is: “std" should be put in m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces.

OK, can you understand my explanation???
Yes, but I think removing const wouldn't be wise because you wanna know, don't you.

What about doing something like (untested, blind meta-code):
else if (peek==ParserConsts::dcolon)
    if (   m_Str.IsEmpty()
        || m_Str.Trim(true).Trim(false).IsSameAs(ParserConsts::const)
        || m_Str.Trim(true).Trim(false).IsSameAs(ParserConsts::volatile) ) // what else?!
        m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces.push(token); // it's a type's namespace
    m_Tokenizer.GetToken(); // eat ::
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Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2011, 09:28:58 pm »
What about doing something like (untested, blind meta-code):
(...answering myself...:)
Raises immediately the question, what about such things then:
inline const mynamespace::anothernamespace::std::vector<AClass*> GetAClassVec() {;}
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Offline ollydbg

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Re: Pointer/Array not recognized
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2011, 05:03:33 am »
What about doing something like (untested, blind meta-code):
(...answering myself...:)
Raises immediately the question, what about such things then:
inline const mynamespace::anothernamespace::std::vector<AClass*> GetAClassVec() {;}
It works OK, because the next time we enter the if clause, the have the same m_Str == const.
                else if (peek==ParserConsts::dcolon)
                    if (   m_Str.IsEmpty()
                        || m_Str.Trim(true).Trim(false).IsSameAs(ParserConsts::kw_const)
                        || m_Str.Trim(true).Trim(false).IsSameAs(ParserConsts::kw_volatile) ) // what else?!
                        m_EncounteredTypeNamespaces.push(token); // it's a type's namespace
                    m_Tokenizer.GetToken(); // eat ::
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.