Well, I finally got it. mandrav was right, the original error message was a compiler problem. I noticed that it is possible to install gcc 3.3 and 3.4 in parallel and to switch between them. This way I could compile and install Code::Blocks with following commands:
./configure --enable-contrib --prefix=/opt/codeblocks-cvs --with-wx-config=wx-config-2.6
make CPPFLAGS="$(CPPFLAGS) -I../sdk/as/include"
make install
But one problem remains. When I try to start Code::Blocks I get this error message:
~ $ /opt/codeblocks-cvs/bin/codeblocks
Fatal Error: Mismatch between the program and library build versions detected.
The library used 2.6 (no debug,ANSI,compiler with C++ ABI 102,wx containers,compatible with 2.4),
and your program used 2.6 (no debug,ANSI,compiler with C++ ABI 1002,wx containers,compatible with 2.4).
I believe that this comes from the fact that I compiled Code::Blocks with gcc 3.4 but wxGTK with gcc 3.3. I will try to re-compile it with gcc 3.4 and hope that it works...
Recompiling wxGTK and then recompiling Code::Blocks did the trick. I can start Code::Blocks now but I still get an error message:
14:06:47: /opt/codeblocks-cvs/share/codeblocks/plugins/libcompiler.so: undefined symbol: _ZN14AnnoyingDialog9ShowModalEv
After clicking OK Code::Blocks starts just as normal and seems to work except for the compiler-plugin. But without this plugin Code::Blocks is quite unusable because it can do hardly anything. Has anyone an idea why this problem occurs?