I'm new to the forum and to C::B. I have set up C::B with the GNUARM toolchain to the best of my knowledge and opened the Blueboard demo code project from here:
http://blueboard-lpc214x.googlecode.com/files/BlueBoardSources.zip. Everything in the editor looks to be in place where I can open the files from within the project tree (i.e. all source and header files and directories seem to be located). I had to manually add a directory called "DEBUG" under the "GCC" directory. Then when I try to rebuild all, I get the following message:
-------------- Clean: Debug in GCC ---------------
rm -f ./OBJ/tnkernel_startup_gcc.o ./OBJ/startup_hardware_init.o ./OBJ/tn_port_asm.o ./OBJ/fs_api.o ./OBJ/led.o ./OBJ/message_queue.o ./OBJ/test.o ./OBJ/VCOM.o ./OBJ/74HC595.o ./OBJ/PlayInt.o ./OBJ/buzzer.o ./OBJ/lcd.o ./OBJ/extISR.o ./OBJ/ps2kbd.o ./OBJ/vga.o ./OBJ/debug.o ./OBJ/dir.o ./OBJ/disc.o ./OBJ/efs.o ./OBJ/extract.o ./OBJ/fat.o ./OBJ/file.o ./OBJ/fs.o ./OBJ/lpc2000_dbg_printf.o ./OBJ/lpc2000_sd.o ./OBJ/sd.o ./OBJ/ioman.o ./OBJ/ls.o ./OBJ/mkfs.o ./OBJ/partition.o ./OBJ/plibc.o ./OBJ/time.o ./OBJ/ui.o ./OBJ/usbcontrol.o ./OBJ/usbhw_lpc.o ./OBJ/usbinit.o ./OBJ/usbstdreq.o ./OBJ/tn.o ./OBJ/tn_dqueue.o ./OBJ/tn_event.o ./OBJ/tn_mem.o ./OBJ/tn_mutex.o ./OBJ/tn_port.o ./OBJ/tn_sem.o ./OBJ/tn_tasks.o ./OBJ/tn_utils.o ./OBJ/tn_user.o ./OBJ/adc.o ./OBJ/dac.o ./OBJ/ext_interrupt.o ./OBJ/hardware.o ./OBJ/i2c.o ./OBJ/pwm.o ./OBJ/rtc.o ./OBJ/rtcISR.o ./OBJ/spi.o ./OBJ/ssp.o ./OBJ/timer.o ./OBJ/uart.o ./OBJ/uart_isr.o ./OBJ/circular_buf.o ./OBJ/malloc.o ./OBJ/SoftTimer.o ./OBJ/utils.o ./OBJ/app.o
Cleaned "GCC - Debug"
-------------- Build: Debug in GCC ---------------
Target is up to date.
Nothing to be done.
This doesn't make sense to me, as I've manually deleted the output files before rebuilding. So, it should have created new output files (.hex, .elf, etc.). Anyone have an obvious reason why it is not building? I appreciate any help. Thanks.