I just want to ask how far is the time when your C::B turns into commercial edit ?
Basically it can't, as we setup the license not to allow this.
1. sounds line SOCIALISM past 20 years in eastern EUROPE where nobody owned nothing
3. what are then the DONATIONS on your C::B page ?

I don't get what you mean by that.
3.) They are for e.g. server costs etc.. Not everything is for free, you know. We have quite some traffic and webspace / content which needs to be paid as we are running a dedicated server for this. And I can assure you that the donations are not even enough for that.

I will provide the C::B::E + DEBUGGER PLUGIN for ARM NXP CORTEX M3 family development for download at right time when will be sure it is stable for user.
That sounds reasonable. Without looking at it it'll be hard to say how easy it can be integrated.