Thanks Xav.

I think you have found the problem, and it's an important point for
all translators.
In the strings used by CB, we have effectively a few times the same one with and without the &. Theses strings are used in some situations by CB and more precisely by wxWidgets, I think, to obtain underlined characters used for keyboard shortcuts.
These chains are different for C, C++, xgetext, poedit, ..., but obviously not for C::B while using wxWidgets.
as translators, must be
aware to exactly match all the chains which appears sometimes with the & and sometimes not.
It can produce a C::B crash, as the one mentioned previously, but also simply something which does not work as expected.
For example we find these strings in C::B:
&End-of-line mode
End-of-line mode
End-of-line Mode
May be the last one could be avoided, but this is not the problem.
The translation of the 2 first must exactly match (the position of the & in the translation is not important, I think). If not, EditorTweaks does not crash, but the
translated menu of "End-of-line mode" appears twice in two different places, which is not the same behavior than in a standard English C::B, I mean a non i18n C::B. More, they can work differently in two different parts of the software, because they don't call the same function (may be it's not the case here, but this is just an example!).
Is it a C::B problem, a wxWidget one, a shared one, this is not really important. Just, translators must be aware that chains which appears both
with & and
without & MUST exactly match.
Thanks again Xav for having found this.