In the previous post in this thread, I have find some way to disable gdb.exe to load many debug symbol files. But even I do that, I found it is still need
90 seconds to start the new c::b in gdb.
So, I guess the problem is: I have a big file "codeblock.dll" in my E:\code\cb\cc_branch\src\devel, it is 40+M. So, gdb sucks on loading this file. :wink: Sometimes, I only need to "debug the Codecompletion plugin".
Here is another way I think we can do :
1, copy the E:\code\cb\cc_branch\src\devel\share\CodeBlocks\plugins\codecompletion.dll to
so that the debug information can be reserved.
2, select the "building target" to "code-completion"
3, and setting the host program to codeblocks.exe in output folder, see the screen shot below:

4, press the start debugging button, now, c::b is loading much faster(
about 10 seconds), the side effect is we have only debug information in "codecompletion.dll".