1, about the "=" operator
int aaa = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().|
Till now, the currently implementation just do the analyze below:
OH, no. borland C++ builder do this work, but I dislike it, since I't can't do 100% correct thing.
What I want is :
enum EE {e1,e2};
EE e1 = // <-- here, I type a "space"
int e2 = //<-- and here..
step1 : I type the "="
step2 : as you said, cc do a "left search". and find e1 is a enum, but e2 is a integer.
in c++98, enum name is a namesapce...but cc allow we do this:
EE e1 = EE:: //<--here , cc will show the item list.
but I have to delete "EE::" after.
step3 : for e1, it show the "enum items list". for e2, do nothing.
so, the new function will have no bearing on " int aaa = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().| "
2, about "new" operator
As we known, cc have enough "class inherited relation" information:
with the code :
class B {};
class D1 : public B {};
class D2 : B {};
class E : public D1 {};
cc got a very good parse result (look the image). so what I want is :
step1 : E = new | << here I press the space key...
step 2 : cc do a parse, and found the "new" , and find the "=" ..and find the "E" .. NOW cc can easy to show a list seems like:
E = new |
| E |
| D1 |
| B |
I like C::B. and thinks for you and Loaden do a lot work for c::b.
I hope I can do more work for c::b..
but I'm too busy ....
.. and my english is too bad...
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