Hi Jens,
Thank you for your suggestions.
I tried both your suggestions, but it isn't working yet. Those settings seem to affect relinks, but not recompiles.
I will be more specific.
MyStaticLib: libheader.hpp (no .cpp - implementation in header), other.cpp, other.hpp ...
MyApp: app.cpp (#include's libheader.hpp) ...
What I need is for app.cpp to depend on libheader.hpp so that it recompiles app.o when libheader.hpp changes.
The two suggestions you had affect relinks, but not a recompile to app.o ...
If this is a limitation of C::B, I can probably script around this, but I am hoping, instead, that I am doing something wrong...
(BTW, since it is a library, I should implement in .cpp instead, but there are special cases, like inline, that have to be in .hpp so it would be nice to get the dependencies right during development...)