Author Topic: Debugger question: Data types on elements in a structure  (Read 2438 times)

Offline TheSilverHammer

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Debugger question: Data types on elements in a structure
« on: June 23, 2009, 03:52:45 pm »
How can I change the data type (for display purposes) on elements on a structure?  For example take the structure, "ifreq" which is defined in "if.h" (Linux).   Now this structure has a lot of elements.  Some are buffers, some are character strings, some are 4 byte unsigned int types, some are arrays, etc...

Now I can only change the data format for the root node which changes everything.  IE I can set it to character arrays and see the strings, but then even an int value is treated as a string.  Id like to just change the leaf node to display it's data type.

I also tried adding a watch on the leaf and apparently you can't do that or I do not know how to do that.  If it can't be done, Id like to request that feature.  I would like to be able to add watches to a part of a structure and set the data type on elements individually.