first things first: congratulation for this great IDE !
I have put Code::Blocks in competition with others competitors, and I must say that it is the most useful for me.
I use it to program specific tools for my company - some of these tools are used by 100 colleagues, and some are used to perform critical tracking and reporting tasks. Therefore I can testify that your IDE is:
- usable in a profit-oriented organisation
- productive (no time waste during development / debugging phase)
- performant (the result is up to the expectations)
After using it real-world situations, I can give you this feedback. It is up to you after to take it into account or not !
The positive feedback first: 1 - the IDE scales good on medium-sized project (5-10 nested and/or dependant projects in the same workspace)
2 - once the learning curve passed, it is very flexible and easy to use. I would however not recommend this IDE to a newbie (no harm intended here - we were all newbies...). It is however a pleasure for the experienced programmer, or the control-freak guy who wants to put his nose everywhere (such as me).
3 - easy to install on different Windows versions (NT 2000, XP, Vista) by a simple directory copy (I have package my own set of tools and library in one single big archive...)
4 - unbeatable ratio performance / price / battle against the machine for making it work the way I want...
Now, the Bug ! In wxSmith (a very good plugin by the way), I have a recurrent crash when I save the resource (*wxs file). It happens for many Nightly Build, including the one from 13/04/2009. It happens more often on VISTA as on Windows 2000.
More specifically:
a - create a Dialog based wxWidgets from the wizard (multilib wx version 2.9, unicode)
b - open the Dialog in wxSmith
c - move a button
d - click on save
e - watch in despair Codeblocks agonizing (see screenshot)
I have included 2 files CODEBLOCKS.RPT in my attachments. In the second zip archive, I have put also a small test project to reproduce the bug.
After using CodeBlocks for a few months, I can suggest the following improvements, in order of priority (from the most urgent to the one which can wait): 1 - when running the .exe with the "RUN CTRL-F10" command, there are no checks performed on the age of the exe. If I modify the sources, and that I forget to rebuild the project, CodeBlocks will not warn me !
2 - a small bitmap editor (plugin) would be a good idea - so it could be coupled with the contrib plugin wxSmithImage. I am thinking about something like MS Paint, not a Photoshop clone. I am looking for a convenient way to quickly create a set of bitmaps (xpm) for toolbars, icons,...
3 - portability improvement:
3a - there is still a CodeBlocks folder created in the AppData system folder (even with CbLauncher)
3b - it is not everywhere possible to use relative paths in Codeblocks (or absolute path with macros expansion). Example: file extension handler ($(CodeBlocks) does not seem to work there !)
4 - GDB support / watches: no lack of functionnality here - an interface cloned from the one from MSVC would be perfect (I realize though it is a matter of opinion) - I will try to be more specific in a next post
5 - CDB does not break when the sources are located in a path containing spaces (somewhere on your desktop for instance)
6 - Tools Plugin: it would be good if the user could add sub-menu in the "Tools" main menu
7 - Help Menu: same here
8 - A wizard allowing to target several compilers at once would be great (I often use 2 compilers on the same projects: MSVC 09 and MinGW GCC 4.3.3. The former generates smaller executables, but tend to be buggy - try to allocate a big (4 Mb) variable locally in a function). Using 2 compilers on the same project is useful to help produce better code quality
9 - Hex Editor : the final functionnalities of the Hex Editor should be identical to HxD (
www.mh-nexus.de). Block selection / insertion / deletion / search would be good. It is already good notheless.
If you made it that far, thank you for your attention.
I will try to help you by submitting Plugins in the future.
And again thank you for this great tool !
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