Author Topic: Positive Feedback from user + Bug + Suggestions  (Read 5955 times)

Offline seb_seb0

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Positive Feedback from user + Bug + Suggestions
« on: April 30, 2009, 11:42:51 pm »

first things first: congratulation for this great IDE !
I have put Code::Blocks in competition with others competitors, and I must say that it is the most useful for me.
I use it to program specific tools for my company - some of these tools are used by 100 colleagues, and some are used to perform critical tracking and reporting tasks. Therefore I can testify that your IDE is:
   - usable in a profit-oriented organisation
   - productive (no time waste during development / debugging phase)
    - performant (the result is up to the expectations)

After using it real-world situations, I can give you this feedback. It is up to you after to take it into account or not !

The positive feedback first:
   1 - the IDE scales good on medium-sized project (5-10 nested and/or dependant projects in the same workspace)
   2 - once the learning curve passed, it is very flexible and easy to use. I would however not recommend this IDE to a newbie (no harm intended here - we were all newbies...). It is however a pleasure for the experienced programmer, or the control-freak guy who wants to put his nose everywhere (such as me).
   3 - easy to install on different Windows versions (NT 2000, XP, Vista) by a simple directory copy (I have package my own set of tools and library in one single big archive...)
   4 - unbeatable ratio performance / price / battle against the machine for making it work the way I want...

Now, the Bug !

 In wxSmith (a very good plugin by the way), I have a recurrent crash when I save the resource (*wxs file). It happens for many Nightly Build, including the one from 13/04/2009. It happens more often on VISTA as on Windows 2000.
 More specifically:
   a - create a Dialog based wxWidgets from the wizard (multilib wx version 2.9, unicode)
   b - open the Dialog in wxSmith
   c - move a button
   d - click on save
   e - watch in despair Codeblocks agonizing (see screenshot)

 I have included 2 files CODEBLOCKS.RPT in my attachments. In the second zip archive, I have put also a small test project to reproduce the bug.

After using CodeBlocks for a few months, I can suggest the following improvements, in order of priority (from the most urgent to the one which can wait):

   1 - when running the .exe with the "RUN CTRL-F10" command, there are no checks performed on the age of the exe. If I modify the sources, and that I forget to rebuild the project, CodeBlocks will not warn me !
   2 - a small bitmap editor (plugin) would be a good idea - so it could be coupled with the contrib plugin wxSmithImage. I am thinking about something like MS Paint, not a Photoshop clone. I am looking for a convenient way to quickly create a set of bitmaps (xpm) for toolbars, icons,...
   3 - portability improvement:
      3a - there is still a CodeBlocks folder created in the AppData system folder (even with CbLauncher)
      3b - it is not everywhere possible to use relative paths in Codeblocks (or absolute path with macros expansion). Example: file extension handler ($(CodeBlocks) does not seem to work there !)
   4 - GDB support / watches: no lack of functionnality here - an interface cloned from the one from MSVC would be perfect (I realize though it is a matter of opinion) - I will try to be more specific in a next post
   5 - CDB does not break when the sources are located in a path containing spaces (somewhere on your desktop for instance)
   6 - Tools Plugin: it would be good if the user could add sub-menu in the "Tools" main menu
   7 - Help Menu: same here
   8 - A wizard allowing to target several compilers at once would be great (I often use 2 compilers on the same projects: MSVC 09 and MinGW GCC 4.3.3. The former generates smaller executables, but tend to be buggy - try to allocate a big (4 Mb) variable locally in a function). Using 2 compilers on the same project is useful to help produce better code quality
   9 - Hex Editor : the final functionnalities of the Hex Editor should be identical to HxD ( Block selection / insertion / deletion / search would be good. It is already good notheless.

If you made it that far, thank you for your attention.
I will try to help you by submitting Plugins in the future.
And again thank you for this great tool !


[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 11:47:06 pm by seb_seb0 »

Offline ollydbg

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Re: Positive Feedback from user + Bug + Suggestions
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2009, 03:11:14 am »
   1 - when running the .exe with the "RUN CTRL-F10" command, there are no checks performed on the age of the exe. If I modify the sources, and that I forget to rebuild the project, CodeBlocks will not warn me !

I do second this feature which will check output file before build. :D

All the suggestions are very pragmatic.
If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Offline Pecan

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Re: Positive Feedback from user + Bug + Suggestions
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2009, 02:27:29 pm »
   3 - portability improvement:
      3a - there is still a CodeBlocks folder created in the AppData system folder (even with CbLauncher)

Should be fixed in next nightly.

Offline Jenna

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Re: Positive Feedback from user + Bug + Suggestions
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2009, 02:42:09 pm »
   1 - when running the .exe with the "RUN CTRL-F10" command, there are no checks performed on the age of the exe. If I modify the sources, and that I forget to rebuild the project, CodeBlocks will not warn me !

That's the expected behaviour for me.

You should try "Build and run F9". It checks if your target is uptodate, builds it if required and runs the executable.

Offline MortenMacFly

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Re: Positive Feedback from user + Bug + Suggestions
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2009, 03:27:36 pm »
Some notes from me, too:

Now, the Bug !
Sorry to say that, but I can't reproduce (on Windows, several computers with different configs). :-(
Hence quite a few seems to have it's origin int he BrowseTracker plugin. If you are using the wxaui branch, please try disabling this plugin.

   2 - a small bitmap editor (plugin) would be a good idea - so it could be coupled with the contrib plugin wxSmithImage. I am thinking about something like MS Paint, not a Photoshop clone. I am looking for a convenient way to quickly create a set of bitmaps (xpm) for toolbars, icons,...
   9 - Hex Editor : the final functionnalities of the Hex Editor should be identical to HxD ( Block selection / insertion / deletion / search would be good. It is already good notheless.
Those two:
As I always say: Sure we can pump a lot functionality into plugins. But an image editor? I believe you can handle this just fine as a tool which you setup. Using the macros provided you can run the external image editor (I use Paint.NET for this) and providing it directly with the image/path you need. If we/you need some more macros for specific purposes that's the way to go IMHO.
The same applies basically for the hex editor, too - hence Byo did a great job with this so it's there.

The major drawback: We need to maintain such things somehow, too. If we open more and more end-points we won't be able to do so. And of course users will request more and more features so sooner or later it won't stay a "simple image editor". If you rely on a powerful 3rd party tool instead you get all you need in the beginning. If you need help with integrating this into C::B (I am not talking about a plugin here) we can help.
Compiler logging: Settings->Compiler & Debugger->tab "Other"->Compiler logging="Full command line"
C::B Manual:

Offline seb_seb0

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Re: Positive Feedback from user + Bug + Suggestions
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2009, 10:12:02 pm »

thank you for the feedback.

For the bug, I was also not able to reproduce it on a consistent manner.
I have cleaned my installation of CodeBlocks, installed the latest nightly - now it works better (duh).
I will let you know if it happens again (it did in the past on clean install - with a complex wxDialog containing several sizers one inside another).

For the additionnal functionnalities, I understand your concern about the maintenance - it  sures takes times.

I will try to contribute in the future - right now the work is very demanding, and I have little time (my family deserves my time as well).

On a side note, I tried to build the SVN trunk of codeblocks. Building went fine, but the resulting executable proved really unstable (saving a wxDialog crashes codeblocks).
It is possible that it comes from wxWidgets lib (but I use the MSW port of version 2.8.10 built in monolithic shared mode, and without tweaking at all setup.h and config.gcc. Build command: mingw32-make.exe -f makefile.gcc BUILD=release UNICODE=1 SHARED=1 MONOLITHIC=1). I am able to run all the wx samples without problems though.
Is it also possible that it comes from my compiler ? I am using the GCC TDM package (gcc 4.4.0)
I will investigate further - any pointers are welcome !
