Author Topic: n00b trying to start programming.  (Read 2871 times)

Offline MegaManZZ

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n00b trying to start programming.
« on: December 01, 2007, 11:13:26 pm »
hey guys im brand new to te whole programming scene and really need a jump start.. what i did was install borland c++ and code::blocks. i told codeblocks to use borland c++ as my default compiler. i typed in a short "hello world" script and hit what looks like a cog icon. nothing really happened after that. i understand that it might have opened and closed just as fast.

could someone just simply explain a guy who's never programmed how to type the hello world script?

Offline Auria

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Re: n00b trying to start programming.
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2007, 12:49:23 am »
The "cog" icon will do the compilling. You should read on compilers to understand what they do. In the lower half of the screen you will see the build results. When build is successful you need to press the "play" button to execute the program.