Author Topic: [Resolved] Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B  (Read 18951 times)

Offline Biplab

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Re: Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B
« Reply #15 on: October 18, 2007, 10:22:02 am »
It works as expected.

-------------- Build: Debug in my_starfield ---------------
[ 50.0%] wcl386.exe -q -c -l=dos4g -wx  -d2    -iC:\watcom\h -iC:\watcom\h\nt  -fo=obj\Debug\main.obj main.c
[100.0%] wlink.exe option quiet system dos4g debug watcom all  LIBP  C:\watcom\lib386;C:\watcom\lib386\nt file obj\Debug\main.obj name bin\Debug\my_starfield.exe

In your attached project file there is no instance of the required Custom variable for this operation.

I'm attaching the modified project.

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Re: Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2007, 10:40:18 am »
Hi Biplab (and all) !

And thanks to you for your answer !!! :P
I was near the truth : in fact, I wrote $(TARGET_OS) instead of TARGET_OS because it's written like this in the "Custom variables" windows... :oops: sorry !!!

So now, effectively, it works as expected... for the flags, but not for my prog ! :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm searching why I have all this errors (while it works correctly when I compile it manually) : may be I'll need your help once again...



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Re: Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2007, 03:21:06 pm »
Hi !

It's me again... :mrgreen:

So, instead of trying to search where I made mistakes, I still need your help : I don't understand why, when I compile my prog in Openwatcom directly by command line it works perfectly with no error, and when I use C::B to do the same (same prog, same flag to compile, etc) I always have lots of errors, even whith latest version of C::B (SVN4564) :

-------------- Build: Debug in my_starfield ---------------
wcl386.exe -q -c -l=dos4g -wx  -d2    -iC:\watcom\h -iC:\watcom\h\nt  -fo=obj\Debug\main.obj main.c
wlink.exe system dos4g debug watcom all  LIBP  C:\watcom\lib386;C:\watcom\lib386\nt file obj\Debug\main.obj name bin\Debug\my_starfield.exe 
Open Watcom Linker Version 1.7
Portions Copyright (c) 1985-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See for details.
loading object files
searching libraries
Error! E2028: _PeekConsoleInputA@16 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _ReadConsoleInputA@16 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _WriteFile@20 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetEnvironmentStrings@0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetVersion@0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetModuleFileNameA@12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetCommandLineA@0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetCommandLineW@0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _FreeEnvironmentStringsA@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetModuleHandleA@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _ExitProcess@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _CreateFileA@28 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _SetStdHandle@8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _CreateEventA@16 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetStdHandle@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _CloseHandle@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetModuleFileNameW@12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _MultiByteToWideChar@24 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _LoadLibraryA@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetProcAddress@8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _UnhandledExceptionFilter@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _VirtualQuery@12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _VirtualAlloc@16 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetCurrentThreadId@0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _SetConsoleCtrlHandler@8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _VirtualFree@12 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetFileType@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _SetEnvironmentVariableA@8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _CharUpperA@4 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _SetEnvironmentVariableW@8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetACP@0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetOEMCP@0 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _GetCPInfo@8 is an undefined reference
Error! E2028: _WideCharToMultiByte@32 is an undefined reference
creating a DOS/4G executable
file clib3r.lib(kbhitwnt): undefined symbol _PeekConsoleInputA@16
file clib3r.lib(kbhitwnt): undefined symbol _ReadConsoleInputA@16
file clib3r.lib(xmsgwnt): undefined symbol _WriteFile@20
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _GetEnvironmentStrings@0
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _GetVersion@0
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _GetModuleFileNameA@12
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _GetCommandLineA@0
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _GetCommandLineW@0
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _FreeEnvironmentStringsA@4
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _GetModuleHandleA@4
file clib3r.lib(mainwnt): undefined symbol _ExitProcess@4
file clib3r.lib(conutwnt): undefined symbol _CreateFileA@28
file clib3r.lib(hdlman): undefined symbol _SetStdHandle@8
file clib3r.lib(hdlman): undefined symbol _CreateEventA@16
file clib3r.lib(hdlman): undefined symbol _GetStdHandle@4
file clib3r.lib(hdlman): undefined symbol _CloseHandle@4
file clib3r.lib(getmodfn): undefined symbol _GetVersion@0
file clib3r.lib(getmodfn): undefined symbol _GetModuleFileNameW@12
file clib3r.lib(getmodfn): undefined symbol _GetModuleFileNameA@12
file clib3r.lib(getmodfn): undefined symbol _MultiByteToWideChar@24
file clib3r.lib(excptwnt): undefined symbol _LoadLibraryA@4
file clib3r.lib(excptwnt): undefined symbol _GetProcAddress@8
file clib3r.lib(excptwnt): undefined symbol _WriteFile@20
file clib3r.lib(excptwnt): undefined symbol _SetUnhandledExceptionFilter@4
file clib3r.lib(excptwnt): undefined symbol _UnhandledExceptionFilter@4
file clib3r.lib(excptwnt): undefined symbol _ExitProcess@4
file clib3r.lib(stklmwnt): undefined symbol _VirtualQuery@12
file clib3r.lib(grownear): undefined symbol _VirtualAlloc@16
file clib3r.lib(mthrdini): undefined symbol _GetCurrentThreadId@0
file clib3r.lib(signlwnt): undefined symbol _SetConsoleCtrlHandler@8
file clib3r.lib(nheapmin): undefined symbol _VirtualFree@12
file clib3r.lib(isattwnt): undefined symbol _GetFileType@4
file clib3r.lib(putenv): undefined symbol _SetEnvironmentVariableA@8
file clib3r.lib(mbcupper): undefined symbol _CharUpperA@4
file clib3r.lib(mbtowc): undefined symbol _MultiByteToWideChar@24
file clib3r.lib(setenvar): undefined symbol _SetEnvironmentVariableA@8
file clib3r.lib(setenvar): undefined symbol _SetEnvironmentVariableW@8
file clib3r.lib(mbinit): undefined symbol _GetACP@0
file clib3r.lib(mbinit): undefined symbol _GetOEMCP@0
file clib3r.lib(mbinit): undefined symbol _GetCPInfo@8
file clib3r.lib(wctomb): undefined symbol _WideCharToMultiByte@32
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings

After many searchs, I've found in a french forum an old post (2003) who explain that this kind of problem appears in Openwatcom when path is uncorrectly notified... But my path is:

So, where is my error ???


  • Guest
Re: Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2007, 10:43:10 am »
I'm not sure, but I think it's not an error... but a bug !

In the logs, we can see that the LIBP flag for the linker correctly notices the good library path :
wlink.exe system dos4g debug watcom all  LIBP  C:\watcom\lib386;C:\watcom\lib386\nt file obj\Debug\main.obj name bin\Debug\my_starfield.exe

And the "clib3r.lib" file (that apparently makes problem) exists in C:\WATCOM\lib386\nt !

So, I don't think that this time I made a mistake...
Someone can confirm my thought ?


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Re: Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B
« Reply #19 on: November 04, 2007, 03:13:33 pm »
=> There's no one who can help me ??? :(

May be Biplab... again ?

Offline Biplab

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Re: Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B
« Reply #20 on: November 04, 2007, 03:31:23 pm »
Remove C:\watcom\lib386\nt from library search path. Then add C:\WATCOM\lib386\dos to the library search path. That should solve the problem. :)
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Re: Using OpenWatcom compiler in C::B
« Reply #21 on: November 07, 2007, 10:30:21 am »
 :)  :mrgreen:  8)  :mrgreen:  :)  :mrgreen:  8)  :mrgreen:  :)  :mrgreen:  8)  :mrgreen:  :)

Marvelous !!!! Wonderful !!!! Incredible !!!!
 :arrow: Now It works !!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks so much Biplab your precious help !!!!

"T'es génial !" like we say in France !


@+ Bye !