Author Topic: Some small UI annoyances and a few suggestions  (Read 3644 times)


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Some small UI annoyances and a few suggestions
« on: July 20, 2007, 12:11:31 pm »

I have been using Code::Blocks for almost a month now, having switched to it from Eclipse CDT. I really like CB for that it's quite fast and responsive, and it features many small useful features that other programming environments blindly lack. It is quite obvious that this great piece of software have been designed by some minds who considered many shortages with the other environments. Thanks for letting us to have such a flexible software to work with.

Having said that, there are a few small annoyances I have experienced so far, mostly about the UI. I am sorry if any of the following have been discussed here before, I did not do a thorough search for them in the forum. I am running a fresh nightly build (SVN 4280) on Windows 2000 Pro, SP4.

- Window positions may get reset randomly: In some certain layouts, it is almost impossible to keep the windows at their adjusted sizes and positions, forcing you to resize the windows everytime you switch between layouts (e.g. between a normal layout and a debugging layout). Strangely though, if you leave some debugging windows open, the layout you define might be sticky. The especially problematic windows are the To-do list and the Code snippets. To-do list always resets to its initial size and Code snippets breaks any layout its opened in. (After switching between layouts, that is, again.)

- Keyboard shortcuts for Help menu items get lost: One situation that this happens is when you add a new help file to the help files section. I guess there is another situation where this problem happens, but I could not realize what it is, yet. (I have noticed that the shortcuts were gone, eventough I had not added any new help file since I last defined the shortcuts.)

- Token tooltip sticks on the screen even mouse is not hovering any token: I had to disable this new cool feature that came with SVN 4280, as it always shows a token tooltip even when mouse is not hovering any text at all.

And a few improvement suggestions for the existing features:

- Find declaration/implementation keyboard shortcuts: I believe that these could be immensely useful. Or even better; a facility to assign keyboard shortcuts for any item in the editor context menu.

- Automatic variable expansion for code snippets: It would be very nice if it could automatically expand variables such as $(PROJECT_NAME), instead of waiting for the user to enter it.

- Editor related macros for user defined tools: Being able to define editor macros such as $(CURRENT_WORD), $(CURRENT_LINE) etc. in the user defined tools configuration would open a broader integration with external tools.

Best regards.

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Re: Some small UI annoyances and a few suggestions
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 01:32:22 pm »
Hi !

Concerning this item :
- Find declaration/implementation keyboard shortcuts: I believe that these could be immensely useful. Or even better; a facility to assign keyboard shortcuts for any item in the editor context menu.
one solution would be to add the Find declaration/implementation items at the end of the search menu and add shortcuts to these items with keybinder. Should not be too difficult.


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Re: Some small UI annoyances and a few suggestions
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2007, 01:55:45 pm »
- could you file the keyboard shortcuts for help menu items as a bug ?

- token tooltip : some improvements have been made , hopefully we will be able to publish our nightlies today or tomorrow

- resetting of sizes for todo and code snippets : please file as a bug, if possible with a detailed description on how to reproduce

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Re: Some small UI annoyances and a few suggestions
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2007, 02:57:07 pm »
with respect to keyboard support/menu flexibility, you might want to look at discussion here:,6208.msg47467.html#msg47467

which continues on the patch comments: (read from the bottom)