This is one of the lost posts (due to the server problem).
I was checking Code::Blocks CVS and I see the new AStyle plugin is in there, but the little patch for Code Completion is not.
Once again, the problem: when you have a variable (tested as member of a class) and it begins with an underline (_), the lexer will recognize it but the parser won't, so it won't be in the Symbols tab.
src/plugins/codecompletion/parser/parserthread.cpp line 541:
if (!m_Str.IsEmpty() && isalpha(token.GetChar(0)))
if (!m_Str.IsEmpty() && (isalpha(token.GetChar(0)) || token.GetChar(0) == '_'))
Yes, I know, it would be better to submit it as a Patch. I'll try to find the needed information about it