Author Topic: About RC3  (Read 154807 times)

Offline JGM

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Re: About RC3
« Reply #90 on: February 19, 2008, 01:14:05 pm »
Free as in freedom, not for free. You can even sell GPL-ed software, it's not against the license.

Yep, and also the person who you sell the software you made only charging some programming services can also sell the software too.

I know gpl is great, wow linux and everything  :D, but sometimes I can't stop my mind from thinking that gpl also exploits the intellectual work of thousands of developers for free, and big companies like google take a nice piece of pie from it to earn some income. And companies that doesn't got their hands dirty working on a program gain profit selling support from a software that created another person, hahaha if you think deeply is some kind of silly..

Also I have confronted people that only want to pay like $500 bucks for a programming project that can take more than a month, for me thats an insult for programmers, take for example rent a coder website. This kind of behavior is converting the art of computer science a cheap profession.

I have to admit that when it comes to programming tools (like Code::Blocks next version), libraries and general applications like open office, for every day use lgpl and gpl is great, but for every piece of software in the earth, men it's something to worry about,  programmers will be exploited more and more.

I know that MySql have been very success, but they also have a commercial license, without that they will be as poor as me. :P
« Last Edit: February 19, 2008, 01:17:56 pm by JGM »

Offline Blue-Tiger

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Re: About RC3
« Reply #91 on: February 20, 2008, 12:34:48 am »
Something I'd like to get informed about is a "TODO"-List for the upcoming release
We have a bug tracker and the forum. We know what's next to do by reading both. That basically should apply to others, too.
With regards, Morten.

Sure, but I meant that for people who would specifically only help to get the new release out - how should one know what bugs/features have a big(ger) influence on the release-date and which one can be left alone until after.... But anyways, reading the announcement on your frontpage it seems like that's a non-issue now anyways. So kudos for that, keep up the good work :)

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Re: About RC3
« Reply #92 on: February 20, 2008, 03:41:22 am »
I thought about posting the newsgroup question where I heard the Code::Blocks was close to release, but decided to let it be an official announcement. Because, it could have been posted as setup for FUD by a none C::B developer, but it seems to be true; so here it is.

Quoting Thomas Denk <>:

> Hello Earnie,

Hi Thomas,

Please use the mingw-users list.

> we are ready to finally put up a new release of Code::Blocks after
> more than 2 years this weekend (or possibly on Monday).
> Again, like last time, we would like to bundle MinGW with the Windows
> install for the user's convenience. For that, we include and run the
> MinGW automated installer from our own installer after copying the
> Code::Blocks files into place. Works like a charm.
> At the last minute, however, one possible licensing issue came to my
> mind which I would like cleared before we inadvertedly step on
> someone's feet.
> Initially, I was under the assumption that the automated installer is
> a part of MinGW and therefore GPLed like everything else. However,
> the Sourceforge download page doesn't contain the installer's source
> code (which one would expect for GPL), nor does the MinGW site seem
> to contain any statement about it, so I am unsure whether that is
> true at all.
> I don't think that there will be any objections from your side to us
> bundling the installer, but I think you deserve that we at least ask.
>  :-)
> If there are any questions or objections, please do not hesitate to
> contact Yiannis or me.

The installer as I can tell from the CVS doesn't contain a preamble
stating a license.  Dave Murphy should answer this question.  It isn't
GPL though so the source copy isn't a requirement.  However, it
wouldn't hurt to add the source to the download environment.


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Tim S
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Offline thomas

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Re: About RC3
« Reply #93 on: February 20, 2008, 04:43:44 pm »
Just to clarify, this is not a newsgroup question, but a copy of a private mail message. And no, it is not an announcement.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: Premature quotation is the root of public humiliation."

Offline poutsoklis

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Re: About RC3
« Reply #94 on: February 21, 2008, 02:25:33 pm »
just wanted to say congratulations on adopting gpl3!
also, a big thanx and another big congrats on continuing the steady progress of code::blocks development! (nightlies continue to rock!!!)
