Author Topic: script header not recognised by 'msguniq'  (Read 4153 times)


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script header not recognised by 'msguniq'
« on: November 23, 2022, 05:00:03 pm »
Win-7, CB-13056-wx-321 + 'Collector-1.7.6'

To translate 'C::B' into a language other than English I use the 'Collector-1.76' plugin, which generates a file 'Cb-13056-wx3.2.1-(64 bit).pot' in which I use 'msguniq' to check for duplicates.
The command 'msguniq.exe Cb-13056-wx3.2.1-(64 bit).pot' detects a single error in the script header 'cb-13056\src\plugins\scriptedwizard\resources\h_file\wizard.script'.
Here is a possible modification that removes this error:

Is this possible?

Fixed in r13062 (@Miguel Gimenez)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2022, 09:42:15 am by LETARTARE »
CB-13609, plugins-sdk-2.25.0 : Collector-2.4.0, AddOnForQt-4.0.0
1- Win7 Business Pack1 64bits : wx-3.2.6, gcc-14.2.0,
2- OpenSuse::Leap-15.6-64bits : wx-3.2.6;gtk3, gcc-13.3.0,
=> !! The messages are translated by 'Deepl'