Author Topic: The 19June 2022 build (12839) is out.  (Read 10464 times)

Offline killerbot

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The 19June 2022 build (12839) is out.
« on: June 19, 2022, 03:50:35 pm »
We switched to wx 3.1.5 --> download the new wx dll's see link below

If you tested the 22 january nightly you may find your compiler executable has changed from gcc.exe to mingw32-gcc.exe and g++.exe to mingw32-g++.exe. Please correct this, you won't be asked again.

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Before you use a nightly make sure you understand how it works.

A link to the unicode windows wxWidget dll(s) for Code::Blocks :
A link to Mingw64 dll's needed by Code::Blocks :

The 19 June 2022 build is out.
  - Windows :
  - Linux :

The current SDK version is : 2.19.0

Resolved Fixed:

  • src: Add function to check if log pane is visible to the user. Increment SDK minor version because we add a new public function
  • find replace: Display message box only if the log pane is not visible.
  • Project Tree: Add menu entry to open folder of selected file in system file browser
  • Project Tree: Add menu entry to open folder of selected file in system file browser
  • debugger: Add context menu to watches for copy value, row and tree to clipboard (fix [#654] with some modifications, thanks to Andrew Cottrell)

Regressions/Confirmed/Annoying/Common bugs:

    Offline Pecan

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    Re: The 19June 2022 build (12839) is out.
    « Reply #1 on: June 20, 2022, 01:26:44 am »
    The Clangd_Client for this nightly can be downloaded at

    Filename: (Direct download link)

    Copy the included to  <YourCodeBlocksNightlyFolder>\share\CodeBlocks\
    Do not unzip this file.

    Copy the included clangd_client.dll to <YourCodeBlocksNightlyFolder>\share\CodeBlocks\plugins\clangd_client.dll

    Restart your CodeBlocks Nightly.

    Install instructions for LLVM/clangd are included within the downloaded .zip file.
    Modify message
    « Last Edit: June 20, 2022, 07:01:24 pm by Pecan »

    Offline Xaviou

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    Re: The 19June 2022 build (12839) is out.
    « Reply #2 on: June 20, 2022, 05:58:37 pm »

    OS X version of this rev can be downloaded from my Google Drive.
    There is a specific dmg file for versions 10.15 and 11.6 of the OS.
    Note that these are not notarized versions of the application.

    32 bits version for Windows can also be found in the same place.

    Debian Buster and Bullseye (32 and 64 bits) can be installed from my repo.

    The french wxWidgets site :
    My wxWidgets's stuff :

    Offline AndrewCot

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    Re: The 19June 2022 build (12839) is out.
    « Reply #3 on: July 29, 2022, 07:56:21 am »
    The Mac DMG build using the SF files ends up being different to the DMG file you have. The differences are related to the DMG installation process where with your DMG it uses the extra files to show the drag and drop dialog so the end user does not have to manually (like I have to do) drag the C::B icon onto the finder application dialog.
    Can you supply the additional process/files so they can be included in the SF C::B repo? Even a link to the files or repo and then I can create a ticket and include the files as a patch to save your time.


    Offline Xaviou

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    Re: The 19June 2022 build (12839) is out.
    « Reply #4 on: August 15, 2022, 12:01:46 pm »
    The Mac DMG build using the SF files ends up being different to the DMG file you have. The differences are related to the DMG installation process where with your DMG it uses the extra files to show the drag and drop dialog so the end user does not have to manually (like I have to do) drag the C::B icon onto the finder application dialog.
    Can you supply the additional process/files so they can be included in the SF C::B repo? Even a link to the files or repo and then I can create a ticket and include the files as a patch to save your time.

    I finally took the time to share these files, with a small "how to".
    You'll find a "macOS build files" folder in the Google Drive one, witch contains:
    • the dmg background png file
    • the dmg creation script
    • a small text file describing the building steps
    Hope it'll help.
    If you need more informations on this, don't hesitate to ask for.

    The french wxWidgets site :
    My wxWidgets's stuff :

    Offline AndrewCot

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    Re: The 19June 2022 build (12839) is out.
    « Reply #5 on: August 15, 2022, 12:14:42 pm »
    Thank you very much for this.

    I will have a look at it in the next few days.