Here are some steps I need to use Tim's cbp file:
0, use pacman to install wx library (3.2)
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-wxwidgets3.2-msw
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-wxwidgets3.2-msw-cb_headers
1, Set the compiler path to msys2's mingw 64 bit comipler, in my PC, it is
and put the string
In the "Additional Paths" option in the global Compiler setting.
2, open the cbp file(CodeBlocks_wx32-msys2.cbp), build.
3, in the msys2 mingw64's shell, run the command
Note that those tools are needed to used by the "update" script
pacman -S zip
pacman -S rsync
The result C::B(in the outputmsys2 folder) looks OK

Note this only contains the core plugins.
BTW: it takes about 12 minutes to build the CodeBlocks_wx32-msys2.cbp on my PC, while it takes more than about 35 minutes to let the "Clangd_client" to parse all the 457 source files on my PC.