I am experiencing a problem with Display Value Under Cursor in the debugger.
Best explained with a screen capture, I think. It shows the whole program at one point in time.
In Frame 1, the variable under the cursor is x which is declared as "int x {1};"
The value window appears to be mostly a working horizontal scroll bar.
In Frame 2, The value of a variable m declared as a double is correctly displayed.
In Frame 3, when I increased the length of the int variable's name to 4 characters ("x123") the value is readable and the scroll bar disappears.
In Frame 4, in the case of a loop control variable "i" a description of the variable "int main ::i" appears for a few milliseconds and then changes to what is shown.
Further experiment showed that if I assigned a value of 1234567890 to x, the value window would display "x 12345678 int"
It seems that the value window is not displaying short names with small values at all, and truncating larger values when the variable name is short.
I appreciate that adding variables to the watch window is the work-round for this.
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