OK, finally got time to get back on this.
Been looking at the changes made to underlying CB code to implement this plugin, and just need a quick understanding of what is needed. AIUI, there are two sets of changes, one to provide memory watch ranges, and one that provides some sort of event/message from debugger to the plugin. I presume this second is so the plugin can be informed that something has changed and it therefor needs to update its display? However, also AIUI, this event system change is not going to be accepted, whilst the memory range stuff is likely to be?
From my POV, for an interim solution, a button on the plugin to refresh the GUI would be fine until whatever new 'event' system is in place, so would this be a feasible approach? It requires the memory range changes, which just need to be code reviewed, plus a minor change to the plugin to add abutton for refresh instead of having it happen automatically?
I'll have a go at pulling in the patches for the memory watch stuff, then play around with the plugin button stuff, to see if this does the job, but any comments in the meantime welcomed.
Edit: patches 0004 to 0010 applied OK, 0011 won't apply, so just sorting that out.