thankyou very much for helping . i never thought of using cubemx to make a project for codeblocks. i thought it is available only for eclipse and IAR.
Thanks .
i have downloaded the code and it is building fine.
thanks alot.
Yes i do know exactly what i want to do(
Please help me if i am opting the
wrong procedure or i am missing the link,
kindly help).
Motive:1. To design a GUI application on stm32f429 with the
help of static libraries of emWin to use its functions like(
GUI_Init(), CreateWindow(),GUI_Clear();
GUI_SetFont(&GUI_FontComic24B_ASCII), GUI_DispString("Hello world!"), etc etc there are so many to design a basic button and then enabling the touch over it ).
2.while designing this project,as its a ARM controller so i need a ARM compiler installed
?right,so i downloaded the compiler and was trying to install.From there the problem started.
i want to ask,the project you provided is working perfect and building,if it is building definitely it is using the arm-none-eabi compiler,How did the project itself is detecting the compiler present in the windows while building the code even though its executable are not provided in the setting of its path manually(right now by me,i have just clicked on the C:B project and pressed build that is it).
thanks for helping
EDIT: i am using emwin for its >>static libraries
(STemWin532_CM0_GCC.a,STemWin532_CM3_GCC.a,STemWin532_CM4_GCC.a,STemWin532_CM7_GCC.a) as within these libraries only the source code of the GUI_Init() or other functions be available) . once the program which i am trying to write ,if successfully build with this libraries,then a smart screen will appear on my LCD?....
do you find any mistake in this approach?